Good to see you again!

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So yeah, just to be sure you guys know.
This is fanfiction, so not all events in here are in mha or bnha, if you prefer to call it that.
And i'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors, english is my second language, that's all.
It had been a week since you'd had your encounter with random guy.
You hadn't seen as much as his shadow since then.
But you hadn't really counted on it, so you weren't offended.
Although, you were a little disapointed, because you hadn't been able to get him out of your head!

"You where out grocery shopping at the moment.
You picked up a salat head."
Looks fine i guess.
"You put it in the shopping cart."
You went on like that for awhile.

when you had opened your fridge this morning, it had been almost painfully empty.
I never wanna see that sight again! You thought.
So you made sure you had everything you could possibly need.

When you were done, you had three bags of pure food.
That are to do it for now.
You stepped out of the store and out on the street.
It's alot quieter at night.
"You sighed"
GOD! I hate when i go out in public and the public be there.
It was from a tweet you'd once heard, but it had stuck.

Suddenly you saw a dark and tall figure, on the other side of the street.
Could it be?!
You quickly looked to both sides, before practically running to the other side of it.
Calm down dude! you're acting like you're in love or something.

The person had black hair and you recognized the black coat.
It really is RANDOM GUY!!
And as always he turned down an alleyway.
You rolled your eyes.
How unpredictable.
Then you went after him.

"He turned around looking ready to fight, then he froze.
He relaxed a bit."
Then a slight confusion showed:"
why the hell are you here?" He asked bluntly.
You smiled a bit:" i saw you then decided to follow you"
"He raised an eyebrow"
:" you do know you can ask other people for directions, right?"
Your smile only grew bigger:" of course i do, thats not why i'm here.

The confusion was back on his face:" then why?"
The rudness in his tone didn't surprise you in the slightest.
:" I followed you to thank you." You said honestly.
He looked slightly taken aback:" what?!"
"You snickered"
:" If it hadn't been for you, god knows where i would be right now."
You continued:" I mean, I might even have been dead!"

"You clapped your hands together -kinda like a prayer- and bowed your head slightly."
:" So, thank you very much!"
"You squezed your eyes shut"
He was silent for awhile.
"You opened one of your eyes to peak up at him"
:" anything else?"
:" NO!" You said instantly.
:" good."
"He turned around and began walking"

:" Wait! You said.
"He sighed, while turning around"
He looked at you with the "What is it!? You literally just said no! I don't have time for this!!" Look.

:" your name" you said:" i don't know what it is." Uptil now i've just been calling you random guy!"
The "internal facepalm face" was back and he klicked his tongue.
Turning around once more, he said:" dabi"
:" o-okay rando- i mean dabi!" You managed to surpress your urge to laugh:" Till we meet again!"
:" for my sake i hope that doesn't happen."
:" well, for my sake i hope it does!" You laughed back.
When you got home you were in a much better mood, than you had been when you had gone out.


Taking a walk in the evening was something you did everyday.
You'd done it, the day you met random guy, and every day after that.
Today was no exception.
You had your headphones on as always.
It was playing your playlist, which was mostly just disney songs and a few anime op.
Of course you had 4-5 other songs that didn't belong to either the disney nor the anime category, but you still thought they were great.

Random guy ( dabi x reader )Where stories live. Discover now