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Hey.. ehmmm... so sorry for breaking my promise already! I just forgot to tell you something..

There might be some conversaitions or mentionings that might offend and/or anger some readers.

And also, even tho many events don't take place in the real mha/bnha, some do.
So for them who hasn't watched/read it all, spoiler alert!

There are jokes included in this book, that only real weebs know of.
So if you don't get it, don't worry about it.
You can either search it up or just forget about it.
Dabi POV:
Dabi -who had been the one in the chair next to y/n- had been "slightly surprised" by the "g'night" y/n had mumbled.

Didn't she have any sense of fear??

She hadn't even sounded nervous, when she was attacked by rapists!
She had waltzed into a symphony of explosions, fire and falling rocks, like it was a walk in the park!
And, had been captured by villains who had threatened to kill her..
yet she had said "G'NIGHT!!" TO HIM!!!
WTF. Just, what the fuck?!

Now she was sleeping peacefully on the couch, not a care in the world.
You could've at least had a nightmare or something.
He thought sarcastically, Before turning off the tv.

He shot a last glance at the strange girl -he'd met briefly only a week ago-
Before disappearing into the night and it's quietness.

Back to your POV!
You opened your eyes to find yourself in an unfamiliar room.
Where the heck! am i?
And why am i lying on the couch??
I clearly remember having a bed!
Then the events of yesterday hit you.
Ohh yeah, that's right... yesterday, somebody took your temperature and it said: complete utter fucking moron-degrees!!
Your inner voice added to your realization.

You heard voices.
You tried tunning in on the conversaition and managed to make out, that there where three people in total.
One of them was the pale peice of shit, obviously. The other one, probably kurogiri. And the third, well you'd never mistake that voice, it was dabi.

You couldn't hear everything they said, but you did hear the pale piece of shit say:" what do we do.....?
You didn't catch the rest.
kurogiri answered with:" i have no idea."
:" why are you dragging me into this?" Dabi asked a bit annoyed.
And that was all you got out of that conversation.

Shrugging half physically, half mentally, you closed your eyes and began writing the next part of your book, in your head.
Yup that's right, before writing the words on paper -then later on computer- you write them in your head!
it makes it alot easier, because you then have an idea how to get started.

You had been lying on the couch "writing" for what felt like hours.
Tho, it was probably only like 20 minutes!
When outta nowhere you heard dabi say:" Oi, don't pretend to be sleeping when you're obviously not."

:" I was writing." you said sleepily, through half open eyes.
"He raised an eyebrow":" writing?" He said in a questioning voice.
:" yeah, writing! Now shut up i'm tired!" You snapped at him, still in a groggy voice.


:" isn't that quit bold of you considering i'm your kidnapper?" He chuckled.
My ears have been blessed!
:" prehabs" you said, slowly sitting up.
You stretched your arms above your head, while yawning intensely.
I swear i can almost feel my bedhead right now!
:" wheres the bathroom?" you asked.
"He pointed behind you"
You stood up and got your usual dizziness from doing it too quickly, but you walked it of in a matter of seconds.
You managed to find the bathroom and lock the door behind you.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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