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You've never even played golf.  You've never had anything resembling a desire to play golf.  So, how is it that you've found yourself on a golf green with a bag of clubs?  Pleas from your social media director and the promise of potentially playing with some eye candy, that's how.  Somehow, the company decided to sponsor a part of this event and needed a few willing volunteers to fill out groups.  You got your bag of clubs from the front desk but had no idea how to use them.  YouTube videos could only teach you so much.  You figured playing Wii golf the night before might help your swing during this charity golf event.  While you waited by your company's tent contemplating making a run for it, your social media director, Nat, rocked up with 2 guys that couldn't be older than 30.  Nat was endlessly peppy but was a good work friend so you knew she'd make it worth your while.  "Y/N! You made it! Let me introduce you to Devin, he's one of our donors, and Oliver, he's a player with the team that put this event together." 
"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Y/N."  You shook each of the guys' hands.  They were okay. 

"Nice to meet you Y/N.  Thanks for volunteering and donating to our charity event."  Oliver at least had a nice head of hair and you thought you detected an accent when he spoke.

"Let's get going!  Nat spoke, breaking you from your trance of trying to figure out where Oliver's accent was from.  We're going to start right after the group that's at the first hole."  You picked up your bag and followed Nat, Oliver and Devin.  If nothing else, this would be entertaining for them.  Nat had Devin go first.  He was a natural.  You didn't know much about golf but he looked like he knew what he was doing.  Nat went next.  Her ball didn't go as far but you could tell she was practicing for this event.  How dare she not give you at least a small lesson in golf before this, it would have been less embarrassing.  Not that you wanted to impress anyone here, but still.  When you went up, you picked the biggest club and made your way up to the tee.  Whispering the instructions from the video to yourself, you placed your hands on the club and gave it your best thwack.  Missed the ball completely.  This is mortifying, why did I even agree to this?? Thankfully, the group let you have a mulligan.  You hit the ball this time, putting more power behind your swing, but it still wasn't great.  Trying to play it cool, you curtsied towards the group with a smile.  Did I just curtsy??  Way to play it cool, there are finally two guys I get to spend an afternoon with and I can't even play it cool for 20 minutes.  What a nerd!

After you, came Oliver.  Too nervous and feeling a bit awkward, you barely made eye contact with him or even talk to him.  But with him concentrating on the ball and his swing, you took your chance to observe him.  He was slender and tall wearing a black baseball cap hiding light brown hair which poked out nicely.  The fact he was wearing a cap already gave him bonus points in your book.  He also had a beard, not too long but just enough to outline his jawline.  He wore blue shorts that showed off his skinny skinny legs and a white polo with short sleeves.  You could just see the bottom part of his sleeve tattoo on his left arm.  He didn't particularly look like someone who would have tattoos which only added to his intrigue.  Nat didn't do too bad in making this worth my while. But if you were gonna make this great, you needed to get some liquid courage.  That's when you noticed that he already had a beer in hand and you made a mental note to get one for yourself while he went.  He placed his beer down and grabbed his club finishing the ball off with a thwack of his own.

"Do you want to try it again?" Devin asked him, clearly amused.

"No, that's okay.  I'm just warming up, you know." Definitely an accent.  But from where?  You squinted your eyes at him trying to work it out.  "Let's go!"
Beer in hand and struggling to carry your golf bag to the golf cart, you suddenly felt someone grab your bag and lift it off your shoulder.  You turned around to see Oliver putting the bag's strap around his shoulder to carry it for you.  "You really don't have to."

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