Chapter 1

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Lance: "This is the story of a little genius and his best friend who started out as nobodies in a tiny village, then ended up defeating an ancient demon hellbent on destroying an entire kingdom!"

Catalina: "Come on Lance, we helped too!"

Angry: "Yeah! This is more like the story of a dork and his trash panda being smarter than everyone else."

Lance: "Ok girls, I hear ya. So Zhan Tiri was probably more of a group effort. But you gotta admit Varian is still a really cool kid."

Angry: "Oh yeah!"

Catalina: "Definitely! He does weird science stuff and makes huge explosions."

Angry: "He built a portal!"

Catalina: "He got kidnapped!"

Varian: "Whoa, slow down there guys. I try to keep from doing stuff like that anymore."

Angry: "Aw, but Varian, it's awesome!"

Varian: "Ok, some of it was a little exciting-"

Catalina: "I'll say!"

Varian: "-but if we're telling my story, might as well tell the whole thing. It took a while to get to the ancient demon!"

Lance: "He's right, girls. Why don't we let Hairstripe tell it, ok? I'm sure he can tell a whole lot better than I can, and that's saying something!"

Varian: "Thanks Lance! Now, this is just the story of a kid and his raccoon. I was born here, in Corona. Nothing fancy, just a simple baby with simple parents. But mom died a few months later."

Angry: ", I'm sorry, Varian."

Varian: "Ah, it's ok Angry. I never knew her, and Dad doesn't talk much about it. Anyways, fast forward fourteen years later; that's when things start to get interesting. I had graduated early and basically lived in my lab. One day, someone comes knocking on the door and what do you know? The crown princess and her lady-in-waiting, wanting my help. And a few minutes later, Flynn Rider! Uh...of course, I didn't really help. More like, blow a bunch of stuff up."

Catalina: "Still awesome!"

Varian: "Aha, ok Catalina. You probably would've thought differently if you were there when your dad found out."

Catalina: "Oh. Good point."

Varian: "Thankfully Rapunzel wasn't so easily scared away. She and I became friends, I blew up a few more things, I found out Flynn Rider was actually Eugene Fitzherbert, life was pretty good! Better than it had been in a while. Well, until..."

Angry: "Until?"

Lance: "Hey, it's alright buddy. You don't have to talk about this part."

*chitter chitter*

Varian: "No, Ruddiger's right. If I'm gonna tell the story, I have to tell all of it. Everything was fine until the accident. Mysterious black rocks were springing up everywhere and I finally took an experiment too far. My dad - my dad was the one to suffer from it. He was trapped in an unbreakable amber, and nothing could get him out. I made mistake after mistake. I blamed all the wrong people and took out my anger in all the wrong ways. For a time, I was the biggest threat to my own kingdom."

Catalina: "What happened?"

Varian: "I paid for it. I attacked the Royal Family and guard, and failed. I had to serve a sentence for my crimes against the crown: highest level prison time."

Angry: "Oh no, I hate those."

Catalina: "How bad was it?"

Varian: "Pretty bad. Got stuck with this guy named Andrew who turned out to be a Saporian dedicated to taking over Corona. We escaped and went through with his plan. A series of really bad decisions followed - on my part. But Rapunzel came back from her trip in the middle of it, we had a longoverdue heart to heart, and then defeated the Saporians together. The next day, Rapunzel freed my father and gave me a full pardon."

Catalina: "Aww, that's great!"

Angry: "And then life just went back to normal?"

Lance: "Ha, not exactly. We had a good amount of adventures together after that, didn't we kid?"

Varian: "Lance is right. The excitement was no where close to being done. Apparently, being friends with the princess means life or death least once a week."

Lance: "You're telling me. A year on the road with her made it more like once a day. What kinda trouble did you guys get into?"

Varian: "Oh, not much. Fought some cursed skeletons-"

Angry: "That was cool!"

"-got trapped inside a seashell-"

Catalina: "I still have Skully!"

Varian: "-translated some old scrolls from a secret language created by Demanitus himself!"

Lance: "Aaaaaand got kidnapped for it. Let me tell you, that was some tower."

Varian: "Oh yeah, forgot about that part... Anyways, the point is, I'm pretty sure Ruddiger and I could take on the world by now. No, more than that. The universe!"

Angry: "Does that mean you're going to find a new adventure?"

Varian: "What?"

Angry: "Well, Rapunzel and Eugene are always talking about finding new dreams when you think you fulfilled your old ones."

Lance: "Yeah, things have calmed down here little guy. You have a full life ahead of you! What are you gonna do with it?"

Varian: "Um...well, I don't think I need to do anything."

Catalina: "What do you mean?"

Varian: "I mean, I've got it good here. I'm the Royal Engineer, I get to work on projects that help people, my dad is with me. I got lucky, after everything. I don't need to change anything."

Lance: "I see where you're coming from, but are you sure? Believe me, there's a whole lot of world out there to see."

Varian: "Think of it like this: I have you guys! What else could I want?"

Lance: " can I argue with that?"

Varian: "Trust me guys, I'm fine. Some people like the whole 'destiny' thing. I am a man of science ."

Catalina: "Pff, ok."

Angry: "At that height, you're not a man of anything."

Varian: "Hey! Alright, I see how it is. Well, laugh all you want. I'm still taller than both of you."

Catalina: "Not for long~"

Varian: "Hm, ok. But back to what I was saying. A lot of people need to search for where they belong, but me?

I'm perfectly content where I am."

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