Chapter 3

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Varian walks down the palace halls, Ruddiger prancing at his side. He passes a couple maids, who incline their heads towards him in greeting, politely stepping over the raccoon; one even gives him a shy smile and a wave. He returns every gesture with a smile of his own, not able to hide the enthusiasm with it. It always feels nice to be noticed, and despite the mixed memories in this building, he can't deny his stays in the castle are always enjoyable.

His eyes catch on a nearby clock and he barely keeps from wincing at the time it displays. Apparently he was in the gardens longer than he thought, seeing as it is now almost three and he still needs to get back to work. It's taking a little while to get used to the fact that what once was only a hobby is now a profession, and that comes with responsibility. A lot of responsibility.

But nothing he can't handle, of course.

"Sorry buddy," Varian addresses his friend, who looks up questioningly. "Looks like we're not gonna be making that kitchen stop."

Ruddiger's jaw drops comically in disbelief, and Varian almost laughs out loud. Instead, he gives an apologetic look, continuing down his path past the Royal Kitchens.

A tug on his pant leg keeps him from going any farther. He whips his head around to find Ruddiger narrowing his eyes, teeth clenched firmly around the fabric.

"Hey, come on," Varian sighs, gently shaking his ankle. "Let go."

After a moment of rebellious hesitation, Ruddiger eventually complies. He then proceeds to lean back on his hind legs, crossing his arms and glaring up at the teen stubbornly.

Varian returns the glare, turning fully to face his friend.

"We can hold out for a little longer, alright?" he tries to reason. "Come on, I have to get back to work before Nigel fires me or something."

At this, Ruddiger releases a string of chitters and squeaks, loud enough to catch the attention of a guard walking by. He shoots Varian a look, gaze lingering on the engineer's shirt collar before finally drifting forward again.

Varian's eyes instinctively look down, and he realizes all the top shirt buttons are undone. Oh no, he must've looked so disrespectful speaking with Nigel! Ugh, how embarrassing...

Fingers hastily buttoning, Varian brings his attention back to his defiant pet, trying to keep the red from spreading on his face.

"We're gonna do this right now? Really?" he whispers aggravatedly. "You just had two apples and I'm not hungry!"

Then, as if summoned, a growl from his stomach echoes through the now empty halls.

Ruddiger lifts an eyebrow. Varian's eyes narrow.

Eventually, he lets out a loud sigh.

"Fine. But we have to hurry."

No sooner have the words left his mouth when Ruddiger bounds down a different hallway and into the doorway leading to his destination, leaving his boy behind. Varian shakes his head, quickening his pace to follow his friend before he can get into any trouble.

Upon arrival, he slowly pushes the swinging door open, breathing in the mouth watering scent of freshly baked bread. The sound of knives chopping and pots and pans clanging tells Varian there's more than just bread being made, meaning the kitchen most likely has more than its usual couple of people. Sure enough, among a number of bustling workers, he spots Havilah, one of the part time cooks around his age he likes to talk to every now and then, scratching Ruddiger's stomach and feeding him some food scraps. She looks up, smiling when she sees him. He returns it, momentarily forgetting rules and responsibilities as he approaches the counter and leans against it.

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