Fruit of hard-work.....

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MC-1 :- So the glamorous women
            the year goes to....
MC-2:- Any guesses ???
Crowd:- Y/N...Park Y/N...
MC-1:- I think people now a days
            eating so much almonds. hahaha....
MC-2:- So without any delay let's
            welcome Miss Y/N with a big round of applause.

Finally the day came. My all hard works are resulting like a  fruit, sweatest one. It's the happiest day of my life.

(With those thoughts you went to stage to receive the award)
(After receiving the award)

MC-1:- Who is behind your this
           great success? It's not easy to achieve a award like this that to be at this young age. I mean it must be hard to do all by yourself. I did you manage.

Y/N:- Um..Actually to be honest I
        never expected this as well. I do but not like in my age. But all the credit behind my this success goes to my beloved fans. Who supports me in my every foot step. Their support made my work a bit easier. So yeah, it's all their.

MC-1:- It's kinda giving a family
          vibe. That's really so sweet.

Jk:- Jimin hyung isn't that dude
      giving too much attention to Y/N?
(He said to the short boy, who is too focus on mobile screen, pointing towards MC-1)

Jimin:- That's their job Kook.They
          will give attention to every person who is on the stage. What's wrong with that.

Jk:- That's true. But they should
       keep distance from my girl. I'm telling you if I was there till now their funeral must be over.

Jimin:- It's bad to be agressive.
           And what with 'My Girl' ??

Jk:- Because she is mine.

(Jimin let out a good laugh)

Jimin:- Pabo she isn't your girl.
           She probably doesn't even know your existence. And here you are telling she is your girl....
hahaha... Don't tell me you're spending too much time with Jin hyung...hahaha... Then let me tell you, you need so much practice to be a pro in dad jokes😅

Jin:- Mochi mind to tell me what
        are you telling to Kookie?

Jk:- Hyung this Mochi instu....

(He got cut off by Jimin sudden scream)

Jimin:- HOLY SHIT!!!! We have
           only 2 minutes left to go on the stage. LET'S GO GUYS if you want to save your asses...

Jin:- NO no no, never... 1 2 3...RUN

(Three of them rush near the stage and catch up their members  in perfect time)

3 Js (together):-

RM:- Let's talk about it later.

(All of them)
1....2....3.... FIGHTING

It's all for Part-1. Hope to see you in next part. Do follow the I'd to don't miss the upcoming parts.

Thank you
With regards
Your Author😊


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