🍉 Suga ⬆️

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SUGA (On the Call)

"What. The. Hell !!! Where were you? Can't you even pick up my call ?"

He yelled without giving the other person a chance to greet.

"Omg! Calm down Yoon. Since I was hungry, I just went out to buy a hot dog and some french fries...And for your kind information, I'm mad at you. And you're behaving like this. I'm done with you MIN YOONGI"

The other person became annoyed.

"Don't you have body guards or driver with you? Can't you send them to buy food for you?"

He asked.

"They are also humans Yoon. Just think they're going everywhere with me, won't they fill tired. They do have family as well. At least I should give them the night time to be with their families. Otherwise they will curse me.hahaha"

"But still..."

The other person gets pissed off over Suga for his extra possessiveness.

"I'm not a child Yoon. If you're going to talk about this then I don't have time. Sorry"

"Wait... Princess. Don't disconnect the call. I'm really sorry."

Suga said in a panicked voice if like his life depends upon that one and only person.


" I didn't mean to yell at you."


"You know I'm so worried about you. And when you didn't pick up my call it made me panic."


"And it came out as a yelling."


"I'm really so sorry. Really, I am. For yelling at you and forgetting about your most important day. But I promise I'll watch the uploaded video. Please forgive me. I know I'm a worse person to be called a b...."

The other person couldn't tolerate Suga babbering bad about himself and finally decided to cut off him once again.

"Hey Yoon. You're the best in everything, whether it's about your work, family or any relationship. It's ok if you can't watch it."

"Whoa...How could you be this sweet, my princess?"

"I inherited it. Hahaha. And I'm not mad on you. I was just kidding to see your reaction. But see I can't even see your reaction."

The other person said in a sad tone.

"But I could hear the guilt in your voice Yoon. Hahaha"

"You little demon"

"hihihi. I know"

There was a silence for a moment, but it wasn't awkward.

"Um Yoon, I was thinking that what are you planning for your upcoming birthday, it's over a week. Do you remember it or not?"

"Yeah. What else to do Eat.Sleep and Work, daily routine."

"Then go my, workaholic grandpa. You must be tried. Go and sleep. I'll call you tomorrow. I have a surprise for you"

"Argh...stop calling me grandpa, you little demon."

"hahaha...you too. Now go. Goodnight Grandpa."

With that the other person hung up the call immediately without hearing Suga's reaction.


"This Girl. Never ever in her life going to change. hahaha"

Suga talked to himself.

When Suga was about to join the other members, out of blur one question kicked his mind.


Did Jimin hear me earlier ? No no; it can't be. If he did, then he would have asked me. By any chance if he did. No no Yoongi you're thinking too much. Stop thinking like that. Be Positive, Spread Positivity. 


Hey guys. Watcha doin' ? I just finished writing this part and post it as you have been waiting for this plart. How is this part btw ? See you in the next part:))))

I can't able to find a perfect name for this part so I just put
"🍉 Suga ⬆️ ", because basically It's Suga's part...(What a logic..lol)
Please don't mind.

Just wandering if I can get 5 votes for next part 🙃

With regards

Yours sincerely

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