Life is Unpredictable; it can change like weather. You never know what is coming next. One minute everything is good and then suddenly the next minute, everything just turns upside down. No matter what happening around there is always a place for mi...
"Ok then. Put your hand on your heart. Can you feel your heart beat?"
Sejin nodded for the second time.
"That's where you're mom lives. Always within you in your heart."
He passed a smile.
Jungkook Pov
Mrs Choi open the door for me. When I asked about the kids she said they were in Sejin's room. So without wasting anytime I came upstairs. When I'm about to enter the room I heard they were talking about something.
"That's where you're mom lives. Always within you in your heart."
'How could he know about it?' It's reminding me of her. How she used to comfort me.
End of Jungkook's Pov
"Appa? When did you come? "
The lil girl's voice bring back him to earth.
"Just now."
"Taemin! He is my Appa. Appa, this my best friend Taemin."
She introduced eachother.
"Hello, Nice to meet"
"You can call me uncle Kook. Um..if you don't mind can I ask you something? "
"Sure, uncle Kook."
He answered with a bunny smile.
Jungkook's Pov
Taemin gave me exactly se bunny smile alike mine, one I used to have. But I think that smile left years ago with her. I tried immense times but I couldn't bring it back.
End of Jungkook's Pov
"Um...who told you that. I mean our loved ones always stay winin us, in our hearts, forever? "
"My mom"
"M-May I kn-know your's name?"
'I know it's too much to ask. But don't know why it's remind me of her. By any chance, if it's h-her? Hold on, as per my memory, she wasn't pregnant by that time, right? Maybe it's just a coincidence?'
Jungkook thought himself.
"Doc Ah..."
"What's that behind you Appa? ARE THEY ICE-CREAMS? WOW."
Sejin didn't let him complete his sentence. (A/N-Maybe destiny planned something else, who knows.)
"Yes baby. Here"
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