𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑜𝑢𝑡

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Jordan POV*
Spencer some how convinced me to go to his moms cookout, to meet some of his friends. The only friend I met was his little brother, which not gonna lie Dillons pretty cool. I look up to see Patience, JJ, Asher, Coop, and Spencer waving there hand for me to come over to the tab with them.

"I'll be back little man" I smiled at Dillion
"Hey, when did you guys get here" I look at JJ and Asher
"That Coop gurl puts up quite a fight" Asher laughed
We all turn to see Patience scrolling through some girls Instagram, making us all turn to Coop

"Another ex" Coop opened her phone
"Stop, Spencer Coop y'all remember Constance" She playfully pushes her girlfriends shoulder
"Constance how has she been" Spencer smiles sitting up
"Ask her yourself she's coming soon" Patience looks back at her phone

"Who is this girl" I asked Patience
"My sister Constance here's her Instagram" Patience took my phone then gave it back

"Who is this girl" I asked Patience "My sister Constance here's her Instagram" Patience took my phone then gave it back

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@baby_greeneyes: Oop nails looking busted but just got them done On my way!  Sissy

"She's hot" JJ looks at my phone talking to Spencer
"Hey, Jordan if you save the photo it'll last longer, she tends to delete thing" Coop jokes making everyone laugh
"Shut up" I laugh
"But look at this" Patience shows us a video

(You did the first one)
"And what exactly was that" JJ knits his eyebrows
"Dance, it's competitive dance" Coop explains
"Looks easy" Asher rolls his eyes
"Yea, totally" I laugh
"I'd like to see ya'll try" Patience challenges making all of stand up trying to dance like Constance.

Your POV*
I got out of my Aunt Faith's car walking inside of Mrs. James house only to be greeted by Dillion.

"Outfits looking fresh as alway I see" Dillon smiles "Dillon! How have you been boy, and where's my hug" I open my arms for him to hug me"Constance, baby" Spencer's mom came to hug me"Hi Mrs

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"Outfits looking fresh as alway I see" Dillon smiles
"Dillon! How have you been boy, and where's my hug" I open my arms for him to hug me
"Constance, baby" Spencer's mom came to hug me
"Hi Mrs. James, where's Spencer" I asked
"He, and his friends are in the backyard" She points

When I walk outside I see Coop, Spencer, and 3 unfamiliar boys trying to do....the squid? I'm guessing

"CONSTANCE IN THE HOUSE" I yell in a deep voice running and hugging my sister
"Oh my gosh I missed you" She hugs me back
"Hey Con" Coop daps me up
"Hey Constance, how was comp" Spencer smiles
"Hard, but I got through" I cross my arms

"Well, I think I did the best" One of the white boys with blonde hair gets up rubbing dirt off himself
"JJ, if we're being honest Asher looked terrible but better than ya'll" Patience laughed
I notice the 3 boys caught my eye and ran over to me
"I'm JJ Parker"
"I'm Asher Adams"
"I'm Jordan Baker" I lightskin maybe mixed boy said, he looked as if her was 6'2 6'3 no taller, I just met him but, I had to talk to him more.

"I'm Constance Carter" I hold my hand out
"Nice to meet you, Constance" Jordan hugs me, I instantly hug him back
"Um, yo ya'll wanna play some football" Spencer breaks the hug
"Sure" Asher drags Jordan to the other side of the yard

"Ok um what was that" Coop laughs
"What was what" I play dumb
"Girl don't even, we saw that" Patience sits me down
"Hi guys, girl I don't know" A girl smiles
"Hi, I'm Leila Keating, and that's Olivia Baker" The girl greets
"I'm Constance Richards, nice to meet you" I shake their hands

"Constance Richards, as in the girl who'll be staying with us" Olivia scoots closer to me
"I'm sorry?" I've never been informed
"Oh, yea mom and dad said that you'll live with the Bakers for a while" Patience informed
"Some things might go down in that house" Coop jokes before Olivia could question Dillon walks over

"Hi girls" He smiled
"Hey Dills, watcha doin with that nerf gun" I look at his hand
"Shoot my competition" He runs over to the boys
"Huh" Leila knits her eyebrows
"He ran over to 4 boys but is only shooting, JORDAN" Olivia semi yells before Patience covers her mouth

"She tried to give a hand shake but he gave a hug" Patience spills
"No way" Leila giggles
"We have much to discuss" Olivia laughs with the rest of us

Later on

"Aye, Chris" Spencer runs towards his old friend
"Who's that" Olivia taps my shoulder
"Chris Jackson the Crenshaw QB" I explain
"Eh, I'm totally the better QB" Jordan walks up behind us
"Are you trying to start things cause you said that pretty loud" I look up at him

"Your adorable" He pats my head walking away
"Huh" I turn to Olivia
"I dunno, but hey let's go to my house, my mom decorated your room" Olivia brings me to the front door

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