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To celebrate PTD's debuting at no.1 on BB Hot100 as well as a Billboard All Kill!!! I feel so happy I can't express it!! We successfully passed the baton after Butter spent 7 consecutive weeks at no.1!

I always feel so proud of this fandom, our 7 angels deserve the best and we're always there to give it to them the same way they do their best for us🥺💜


Taehyung arrived home, and just like the previous day, the first thing he did was to rip off that wig from his head and throw it somewhere. But unlike yesterday, his feet didn't ache since he had been in comfortable sneakers the whole day.

He debated between eating something or showering first and decided to go with the latter since he felt suffocated due to his tight attire. After taking a quick shower and changing into casual clothes, he headed to the kitchen and grabbed a snack before checking his coded emails.

He scanned over the ones Yoongi had sent him. It took him a while to analyse the files and re-analyse them again to make sure he hadn't missed anything and that there was no missing details. When he found none, he frowned.

There had to be something somewhere that would prove Jeon Jungkook to be the person he's looking for! There must be a plothole, he just had to look harder. And 2 hours later, he read the same file over and over again. He wrote the same notes, went over the same details and each time he failed in finding any anomalous.

Even when he would think of one detail that was missing, he would place the keyword on the search bar and find it. So, Jeon Jungkook was really not it?

He decided to contact Yoongi and Hoseok. Within a few rings, they picked up the videocall and Taehyung saw that they were both in the agency's hacking lab. Taehyung also noticed how Hoseok looked visibly pale and nervous even.

He decided to address it. "Hobi, why do you look so pale?"

"Oh it's just... you know, about yesterday... I- I really didn't mean to call you that. It slipped out of my mouth before I could stop myself. I'm really sorry about it," Hoseok apologised. He had been feeling truly uneasy since the incident had happened and wondered whether Taehyung would forgive him for it.

"Hey, it's fine. Just don't repeat it again, please," Taehyung said sincerely.

His words were rewarded by a beaming Hoseok who smiled brightly. "I promise!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, so-" Yoongi started but was interrupted by a loud shriek. It startled both him and Taehyung.

"What the hell are you screaming for?" He asked.

"V! You- there's a huge spider behind you!!" He screamed even louder although he was seeing the arachnid through a screen.

Taehyung turned around. "Where?" He asked, not seeing anything.

"There! It's all huge and hairy!!" The boy screeched again. Hoseok had an enormous dislike and fear of any kind of insects, reptiles or well, anything that's not a kitten, puppy or bunny.

Taehyung finally saw what he was talking about and went towards it. He picked it up and showed it to the camera. "Well, first, that's not a spider and second, of course it's gonna be hairy 'cause it's my fucking wig," he laughed.

Yoongi also laughed along while Hoseok looked quite dumbfounded. "Oh. Well not my fault I developed a paranoia for spiders ever since y'all decided to send me into a fucking cave infested with them for that goddamn mission!!"

"Well, for our defense, we all thought it would help cure your arachnophobia if you faced them. But apparently, you got worse now," said Yoongi.

"You thought sending me into the devil's cave with spiders as big as my fucking head was gonna help in any way?!"

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