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In which V, an undercover agent, infiltrates an all-boys high school as a female teacher to catch the son of a mafia leader who is holding his fellow agent captive.

This story includes:
• strong language
• mature content
• descriptive violence
• fluff & angst
• complex storyline
• switch taekook
• other ships that you shall discover
as the story progresses
• ambiguous writing as the author is not used to writing action books or describing fight scenes but will still try her best nevertheless ♡

Please click off if any of the above themes disturb you or don't appeal to you. If you have decided to stay, I hope you will enjoy this rollercoaster ride which will take you through suspense, pain, questionable humour, action, relationships and romance to what I trust will be a satisfying ending for you.


"They have him," RM announced to the people gathered around the large table. Their faces were as grave as their leader's voice, waiting for the latter to go on.

RM briefly glanced at the two empty seats which were side by side. He almost let out a pained sigh but held himself. An agent should never show his true emotions so easily, especially not in a meeting.

"We suspect that they're keeping him in their headquarters since his identity has been revealed anyway," said RM.

"Are we going to save him?" asked one of the agents around the table.

The question might appear stupid but it wasn't. Undercover agents whose identities had been uncovered were usually abandoned. It was a risk for the agency to rescue them, so those agents were left to rot in their kidnappers' cells.

It was cruel, really. So many of these agents would put their own lives on the line, would take on the most perilous missions, would dedicate their whole lives to this agency, yet they were so easily abandoned when they needed help the most. But that was how it has always been.

"Yes," replied RM. "In fact, Suga has already begun tracking the location and finding details about the building and J-hope and I have been devising a plan to-"

The agent from earlier, Kai, slammed his palms on the table, standing up. He looked furious, his eyes blazing, nostrils flaring. "What? Are we just going to put the agency in danger and save him just because he's Kim's-"

The door opened abruptly, interrupting the man's words. "S-sorry, I'm late," panted the silver-haired boy who had just entered. He was a mess; clothes tattered, hair disheveled, face covered in dirt. But he somehow still looked handsome. "What did I miss?"

He casually walked in and went to take his seat, not sensing the tension in the air. Or even if he did, he paid no mind to it.

RM sighed. "V, could you be on time for once?" he asked.

"Sorry, not my fault. The mission took longer than expected," replied the young agent.

"Didn't it end two hours ago?" RM queried, raising an eyebrow.

V scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Well... let's just say things got a little complicated because I didn't totally follow the plan and Baekjun's men came after me. Had to fight them off and all. Was fun but took some time," he explained.

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