School Games!

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Isabella : gurl are you okay?
Y/n : Yes!
*Isabella turns to Rhea and whispers such a jerk*
Y/n : as if I really thought Louis would love me!
Isabella : come on bae, don't loose hope!
Y/n : Y/n is never going to give up.
Isabella : that's my girl!
*isa and y/n hug*
Soon the class was completed,I left to my next class
Will was there.
Will : hi y/n,you look adorable!
Y/n : Thanks,you look good too!
Will : (blushes) thank you. Have a seat here!
Y/n : sure!
Louis entered the class girls started awe-ing and they also started gossiping about his looks.
I sighed, are you okay? "Will asked me,worryingly"
I'm great! "I replied"
Will was trying to say something to me,but he couldn't get those words out.
all the girls were jealous of Rhea, they were giving her death stares and Rhea was doing the same.
Some bunch of students rounded up around me and asked "hey you are a cool person,would you like to join us for truth or dare at late night in this school?"
I replied with a yes because I didn't really have fun from a long time.
they also invited isa! We planned on going together!
*we left the school*
I got home and did assignments which were pending pretty fast as I was in a good mood and kind of excited for the truth or dare!
I had dinner,I said my mom that I was going out to play with my friends.
Mom: Y/n it's 11pm I would allow you but you are turning on your live location!
Y/n : sure mom! Bye love you!
Mom : don't forget bye love!
I turned on the location and left!
I saw a bunch of people at school,isa was already there because I was completing my assignments she left.
isa came towards me and said "Louis is here too"
We went inside the school and we sat in a classroom
Someone bought the bottle,we rounded up around the table.
Rhea was there with Louis.
one of them spun the bottle and it stopped near isa and some blonde guy
isa answered with "I choose dare"
blonde boy dared her to kiss him!
isa exclaimed "fine".
They started kissing and blushing..
I winked at isa when she was done with the kiss and she looked at Louis as to tease me and I laughed.
isa spun the bottle, landed on me & Jason he is a gay and he's pretty popular!
I chose dare.
Jason said "we will lock you in a room with all the popular boys tomorrow at school you will be blindfolded and you should kiss a boy"
We're gonna watch everything.
I don't want no for an answer y/n,said Jason.
Alright. Dare accepted.
Isa winked at me showing me Louis.
I blushed,he saw me smiling and I was already getting butterflies when he just looks at me.

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