Oh yeah

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It was Louis.
Louis Partridge.
I widened my eyes in shock and pulled away from the kiss.
i-i-need-to-g-go,I say nervously.
When going out of the room,everyone made sounds like "awww"
I went to girls washroom and I saw that my face was red!
isa entered the washroom
isa : OMG you little buddy,you successfully had a kiss with your crush.
Y/n : Shut up bitch,they're gonna hear you!
isa : how was it? Was it worth it? omg your face is red-
Y/n : I'm leaving i-i-i have a history class,b-bye!
When I was passing through the hallway,I saw Louis
I couldn't see him I was embarrassed and he was with Rhea.
Rhea came over to me.
Rhea : How dare you kiss my love?
Y/n : It was a dare,you know it too right?
Rhea : Be careful,don't be anywhere near my love!
Y/n : oh yeah,do you still think I'm gonna listen to you? Bitch never. *walks away*
I saw Louis while I was walking away,he was looking at me with a smirk.
That was definitely not for me.
I went to my history class.
William was there.
W : Hey! How are you?
Y/n : I'm great! What about you?
W : I'm good. How was the kiss?
Y/n : wait how do you know?
W : I was one of the six boys.
Y/n : oh- the kiss i- i-
W : it's ok if you dont wanna tell me!
Y/n : thank you.
W : wanna hangout later?
Y/n : Sure! Can we go to Starbucks please I'm craving.
W : sure!
All the girls who entered smirked and gave me stares for kissing the love of my life and their love too probably
I still didn't believe it was real!
I was in Louis Coma
I couldn't help myself come out of it.

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