uhm ok

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Me and Will were walking home.
W : do you like anyone,Y/n?
Y/n : i don't wanna lie to you,yes I do.
W : oh who's that lucky boy?
Y/n : i-
W : Louis Partridge?
Y/n : wait how'd you know?
W : he's my best friend,the way you look at him shows.
Y/n : fr? hehe
W : do you want any help?
Y/n : not currently.
W : okay!
Y/n : thanks for walking home with me!
W : your welcome bye!
I come home,eat dinner and sleep.
I'm at my history class now.
Rhea's here giving me death stares.
Someone caught my attention before I could say something.
Louis : Hey y/n!
Y/n : h-heyy
Louis : there's a party at my house,tonight
It would be an honour if you came! Isabella will be there too! bye whispers *baby girl*!
Y/n : bye I guess.
School was over.
Louis approached me in the hallway!
Rhea saw it all.
L : hey you coming right?
Y/n : yes
L : yay wanna walk home ?
Y/n : s-sure!
Rhea : I will walk home with you guys too
Rhea is a bitch.
Y/n : ok
We were walking home
R : hey Y/n aren't you 16? we both are 17!
Y/n : yes,I am 16 but mature.
R : I'm more matured.
Y/n : shows *giggles softly*
R : how dare you humiliate me? little bish
Y/n : oh I'm scared oh my god! do you think I'm scared lol bad for you.
L : Rhea why are you doing this?
R : I'm protecting you,aren't you my baby?
L : *rolls eyes*
Y/n speaks to herself "baby"?
L : Rhea-
R : I'm protecting you from this 16 year old she's dangerous.
L : you don't have to tell me who to make friends with!
R : oh I'm sorry beb-
L : why are you-
Y/n : my house's here,thanks for walking with me! Bye.
L : byee *smile fades*
R : *smile forms* let's go!
Time skip to louis's party.
I got ready
you wore this , change if you don't like it.

I got ready you wore this , change if you don't like it

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It was almost party time.
I walked to Louis's house,it was 3-4mins.
I reached.
*bell rings*
Some girl opened the door she was beautiful!
Girl : hey! you are?
Y/n : I'm Y/n
Girl : I'm issie.Issie Partridge.
Y/n : oh louis's sibling!
and then another girl came to the door.
Girl 2 : I'm Millie partridge.
Oh two sisters!!
Issie : omg you're so gorgeous!
y/n : you both are beautiful!
Millie (p) - whispers to issie *SHES so gorgeous does Louis like her?*
issie : I don't know hey Y/n are you Louis's girlf-
Louis : Hey guys! hey Y/n,Im glad you came!
Y/n : I'm glad too if you said you had sisters I'd come here way before.
Louis : they are annoying
Y/n : I don't think so
Issie and Millie : are you guys dating?
Y/n : n-n-no
Louis : Issie and Millie!!!!!! Whispers *shut your mouths*
Louis : Y/n lemme show you around the house!
Y/n : sure!
Louis : you look so gorgeous!
Y/n : you look great too!
Louis : I'm sorry that my sisters made you uncomfortable.
Y/n : not a big deal to be honest!
* loud noises from the hall*
L : let's go Y/n

I went to the hall and saw Rhea and her friends coming in!
Why didn't I expect her here?
R : hey Louis!
L : hi
R : what's up you hanging out with her again?
L : it's my wish. I do it as I want!
R : oh she made you learn that didn't she?
Y/n : oh damn god look who's here ya a "mature girl"
Lol I feel bad for you Rhea,keep distance from me
I might smack you and don't cry again I already warned you
Issie and Millie : omg Louis she's so savage...
Louis : shut up
I & M : do you like her?
Louis : don't shout shut up.
L : Y/n I'm sorry for this
Y/n : why are you sorry for this? I didn't take it to my heart!
L : great!
The party began.
Isa came over to me!
Isa : hey I missed you!
Y/n : me too
Isa : Louis invited you? He definitely likes you.
Y/n : argh here we go.
* I see Louis and Rhea dancing *
Y/n : isa I can't anymore.
Isa : it's ok she's just an idiot just ignore.
I took little wine but it was too much pain for me to see them dance.
I was drunk like a half drunk.
Louis : hey Y/n what's up?
Y/n : why are you like that?
L : what?
Y/n : why do you keep doing the things I don't want to see ?
L : Y/n are you okay?
Isa : she drank some wine Louis!
L : oh no!
isa : she was sad because of something.
R : Louis come on let's dance
Y/n : Rhea how dare you !? You are the stupidest bitch I ever saw.
L : Rhea stay away!
R : no I mean


y/n kinda passed out I carried her up to my room,
And laid her on the bed and covered her with my sheets.
then y/n started speaking
Y/n : Why are you so good? Why do you make me hurt ? Do I mean anything to you Louis-
I left the room.
I went down I thought about it
When I went back I saw couple of boys
Trying to kiss Y/n
Y/n : Leave Me Alone Assholes when I'm drunk I can't control myself.
Y/n kicks 2 of the guys
and I told them to get out and punched them.
Y/n : see Louis how much pain?
she slept.
what did she mean?
I slept on the couch it was morning already!


I wake up with a little head ache I see Louis sleeping on the couch .
I woke him up
Louis go sleep on your bed it's okay.
Louis : are you okay?
Y/n : I'm fine *knowing that Rhea and Louis had danced how could i-*
Louis : I'm glad you're fine
I go out of the room and see Issie and Millie there
Issie and Millie : you're so special to him,he never lets any girl in his room not even us or mom.
Y/n you're special congratulations on going in!
Y/n : Louis issie and Mille I have to go!
My mom is probably worried about me bye!
Louis : Do you want me to walk-
Y/n : no bye!

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