Chap2: The contract that can change my life

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Chap 2: The contract that can change my life.

I took a sudden run. Running through the small gap they had between each other. I didn't know where I was going or when I should stop. All I knew was that I needed to run. Run away. To just run anywhere away from those men. I can hear my heartbeat racing over the sounds of my shoes.

"Stop!" one of the men yelled out.

As if! I ran left and onto the main road. There were no people around. Not good. I ran round to the other bend. There was a taxi there, empty. I threw myself into it and slammed the door after me.

"Go! Go! Go!," I exclaimed loudly to the driver.

I sat in the taxi, relieved. If those men caught me, who knows what would had happened? I exhaled deeply and noticed the driver looking at me through his rear-view mirror.

When I looked more closely to the taxi driver, I slowly noticed that he was dressed the same way as the three other men was dressed. Another word 'crap' came through my mind again. I got into the wrong taxi. The car was already speeding quickly on the motorway. It was too late to get off now. Besides, the door must be locked anyway.

"Where are you taking me?" My voice was quiet and full of fear.

"Please do not be afraid Miss Johnston," the driver answered. "We're doing what's best for you."

"How... How did you know my name?" I asked bewildered.

The driver responded by smiling.

He drove out through the exit of the motorway and speeded through a town. He continued to drive in silence, passing old, vintage shops.

Occasionally, he peered at the rear view mirror to check if I was alright. "Are you okay, Miss Johnston?" he asked.

Hell yeah was I alright! Getting kidnapped and driven to nowhere.

He sort of got the idea so he stopped talking. Smart of him.

I continuously looked out the window trying to remember every shop, sign, tree we passed so I would remember where to go if I was lucky enough to escape. But the roads were so confusing! It was like going in circles again and again! It seemed we always passed the same trees, the same shops and the same signs! I sighed and gave up. Instead, I tilted my head onto the door and slept. I must of slept for a long time as the driver woke me up saying that we've arrived.

I hoped out of the car as he closed the door behind me, great manners! I stretched myself and made a big yawn that made him laugh quietly to himself. I looked to the front and saw a small, wooden house. It seemed old. Very old. We walked towards it with him following behind me. I lead into the building. The house was empty. No furniture, no nothing. From the look of the outer of the house, people would have thought the interior of the house was just as old but it was the complete opposite.

The floors were covered in red, rich carpet like the ones you see celebrities walk on on TV. The wall paper had some sort of vintage design but yet, it looked modern like designer styles.

"Keep going to the end of the hall. There, you would see a door," he spoke behind me.

I did as he said. I kept walking on this ever-stretched hallway. So much for the small wooden house. It's more like a mansion on the inside.

Soon enough, like he said, I reached to a door. I turned the gold-coloured knob and strode in. He didn't follow me into the room as he left closing the door as I went.

I looked to the front and saw a huge, business like desk and a big, black leather chair behind it with it's back facing to me. I gulped as I watched the the chair slowly turn around.

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