Chapter 5 #2: The unexpected

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 Chapter 5 #2: The unexpected

“THERE YOU ARE EVA! We've been looking for you for ages!!!”

Our bodies quickly snapped back to an upright position as soon as we heard the voice. That was then did I realize that Anthony and I was actually going to and about to kiss! If only mom didn't come to wreck the moment.



Eva! What are you thinking? You can't say that! Anthony's your best friend! Friends don't....

“Where've you been? Miss Mead and I had been searching for you,” mum looked at me worriedly and looked at the person next to me who was standing just as still as me. “Anthony! What brought you here?”

“The wind I guess? Nah, jokes, dunno. Just thought to have a look around.”

I swear if mom wasn't there, my mouth would have been dropped all the way to the floor. How could Anthony act so natural like nothing happened just a few seconds ago? I mean, okay, nothing did happen but it was close, close enough...

“Why?” I asked mom.

“Why what?”

“Never mind.”

“Ah, Anthony!” came a voice.

“Hi Miss Mead.”

I turned to look.

Behind Miss Mead was a staff member who is probably asking for the address to deliver the furnitures.

“You chosen a bed yet?”

“I just came,” I answered my mom who was already sitting on a king-sized bed covered with red duvets.

“Well Miss Mead and I will have to leave now for placing the furnitures,” she stood up and passed me a card along with a note with our new address, “go home with Anthony first. I still need to tell Elizabeth about our moving.”

I nodded.

“Not to expensive!” My mum yelled and managed to wink as she back-passed quickly to the door and waved her arms wildly in the air.

I waved back and turned towards the guy wearing the hoodies, Anthony.

All right....Anthony and I, I, the two of us. We've done this before right?

I looked towards Anthony. He was looking around the beds and asking a staff for the price. Why is he acting so casual? It just makes me feel even more self conscious.

“Eva! Here! Look at this one.”

I walked over slowly. I pushed down on the mattress. God was it so comfy!!! I had a sudden urge to just lie on the bed and relax. But I didn't. There was a staff here.

The staff seemed to realize my urge as he said, “it's okay, you can have a try on lying on it.”

“No, it's okay.” I blushed. Is my actions just so visible to everyone?

“C'mon Eves I know you 're dreading to~”

Okay, even though Anthony and I have been friends ever since kindergarten but sometimes, he can be a real pain in the butt.

I stood there awkwardly. I had no choice but to lye on the bed. I lied there for about two or so seconds and jumped up, landing stiffly into Anthony's chest.

By the corner of my eye I saw the staff gave a smile.

“You guy's newly weds? Then, I'd recommend this bed...”

What?! What the heck is this guy saying??

“NO WE'RE NOT!!” I screamed upon the top of my lungs.

Seriously. Can this guy not tell that we're only high schoolers? Besides, one of our teachers were just here. Really man, really.

“No, not yet,” Anthony cut in and placed his arms tightly around my waiste.


I looked up and glared at him. He was smirking. What's so funny? I pushed his hands off me.

Right. That's it. I've had enough. One second he nearly kissed me and the next, he's telling a 'werido' that we're engaged. What is with him today? Besides, he already knows that I've got this thing with Josh Bryant.

“So, which bed is it?” the staff asked.

“I'll have this one,” I pointed to the one I just lied on. I finished with all the papers and stormed off.

“Eva! Wait up!”

Why should I?


Stop following me!!!

“Hey,” he grabbed my arm, “what's wrong with you today?”

What's wrong with me? He's asking what's wrong with ME?

“Ugh, nothing!” I shook his hand off.

We walked silently to the side of the path. There was no crossing, so I guess we need to wait until it was safe enough to cross. There were so many cars. It was as if they were all invisibly chained to one another. They all were about a meter apart.

“Eva, what are you angry about? It was just a joke.”

A joke.

“Eva, look at me.”

“I turned. What if Josh saw us acting like that? He would have thought we were a couple. Then...”

“So this is all about Josh, is it?”

“No, but...”

“You know Eva, I really don't see what you see in Josh.”

I turned to face him properly. “What?”

“You know, it's just....”

“Guess what?” I butted in, “I don't want to hear about it.”

I crossed.

How could Anthony say that? He know's how much I like Josh ever since I bumped into him on my first day at Chicago High.

I thought Anthony was my friend. Aren't friends meant to support each other. Besides, he's talking as if I'm the one who's wrong. He's the one who started the argument anyway.

I kept running, well, more like jogging. I know that Anthony didn't follow behind me because he would have already caught up to me by now.

Fine then, don't follow me. In fact, I don't even want to see you face again.

That was when I heard a loud honk and I looked to my left and saw a truck. My eyes widened with fear and without knowing what is happening, my mouth reacted before I had time to think. I screamed. I closed my eyes and had my palms clenched tightly to my bag. I heard the screech of the fat tires. I felt something bump hard onto me and I fell and a thought came into my mind, was I dead? I couldn't feel my legs. I couldn't feel any part of my body, it was num.

I kept my eyes closed and let the darkness take over me.


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