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"All right, well, she's got to be the most well-adjusted person on the planet."

Harry raised an eyebrow, "You said 'Christo'?"

The blonde nodded, "Yeah."

"And?" Sam asked.

This time she shook her head, "There's no demon in her. There's no demon getting in her."

"So, if it's on the plane, it can be anyone. Anywhere."

A sound rumbled, the harsh winds outside shaking the plane and Deanna growled a complaint, "Come on! That can't be normal!"

"Hey, hey," Sam soothed, "it's just a little turbulence."

She gave him a death glare, "Sam, this plane is going to crash, okay? So quit treating me like I'm friggin' four."

"You need to calm down, love."

"Well, I'm sorry I can't."

"Yes, you can."

"Harry, stow the touchy-feely, self-help yoga crap, it's not helping."

"Do you want a Calming drought? Its a potion I ma-"


The younger Winchester watched as his sister shut up her husband and sat down, "Listen, if you're panicked, you're wide open to demonic possession, so you need to calm yourself down. Right now."

Deanna closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, then let it out slowly.

"Good, baby, good."

"I found an exorcism in here that I think is gonna work. The Rituale Romanum."

The blonde opened her eyes, darting the hazel coloured gaze over from her husband to her brother, "What do we have to do?"

"It's two parts," Sam continued, "The first part expels the demon from the victim's body. It makes it manifest, which actually makes it more powerful."

Harry frowned and looked over, "More powerful?"


"How?" Deanna almost huffed.

"Well, it doesn't need to possess someone anymore. It can just wreak havoc on its own."

"Sam, mate. How the hell is that a good thing?"

"Well, because the second part sends the bastard back to hell once and for all."

"First things first, we gotta find it," she pulled out a little device and started off down the aisle again.

A hand suddenly wrapped around her waist, making her jump and she swung her fist around. But it was caught by a smirking wizard. Deanna glared at him, "You asshole, don't do that!"

"Find anything yet, love?"

"No, nothing. How much time we got?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2021 ⏰

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