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In the library, Sam and Deanna sat in front of a computer screen, a web browser open to the archive search page of the Jericho Herald. The older Winchester typed in 'Female Murder Hitchhiking' and clicked Go.

Nothing happened.

She entered in 'Hitchhiking' and 'Centennial Highway' and still nothing.

Sam sat beside her watching his sister fail. Having enough he then huffed, "Let me try."

The blonde smacked away his hand, "I got it."

The younger Winchester irked an eyebrow and pushed away Deanna's roller chair, taking over the computer.

"Dude!" She complained, slapping his shoulder with an angered pout, "You're such a control freak."

Unfazed, Sam just focussed on the screen, "So angry spirits are born out of violent death, right?"

His sister sighed and folded her arms, "Yeah."

"Well, maybe it's not murder." He said, replacing 'Murder' with 'Suicide.' And an article appeared.

'Suicide on Centennial'.

Deanna looked at her brother as he clicked it open. Skimming it over, Sam then said, "This was 1981. Constance Welch, twenty-four years old, jumps off Sylvania Bridge, drowns in the river."

"Does it say why she did it?" The blonde asked, making a confused face.

"Yeah." The younger Winchester answered.


"An hour before they found her, she calls 911," Sam stated, "Apparently her two little kids are in the bathtub. She leaves them alone for a minute, and when she comes back, they aren't breathing. Both die."

Humming, Deanna rose her eyebrows.

"'Our babies were gone, and Constance just couldn't bear it,' said husband Joseph Welch." Sam read off the article.

"This bridge look familiar to you?" The blonde asked.


Deanna and Sam walked along the Sylvania Bridge then stopped midway, leaning over the railing to look down at the river.

"So this is where Constance took the swan dive." The Winchester said.

Her brother looked at her, "So you think Dad would have been here?"

"Well, he's chasing the same story and we're chasing him." Deanna shrugged and kept walking with Sam close behind her.

"Okay, so now what?"

"Now we keep digging until we find him. Might take a while."

The younger Winchester stopped in his tracks, "Deanna, I told you, I've gotta get back by Monday-"

Hiding her hurt and disappointment, the dirty blonde just nodded slowly, "Monday. Right. The interview."

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