Avenger Stories. *sigh*

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HELLO! I haven't been ranting lately.

So caught up with Christmas. So much stuff going on.

But during my time here on wattpad, I have noticed that almost all Avenger Stories are either;

1. Have serious grammar issues

2. Make no sense. WHAT. SO. FUCKING. EVER.

3. Get boring after a while.

Now, for those of you who like Captain America, may read my story 'Teach Me.' It's about a stubborn social studies teacher who is in love with the famous comic book character Captain America. Then there are some....MAJOR issues. Its pretty cool, check it out.

ANYWAYS!! Lets move on to the rant, shall we? (;


ALRIGHT! So, lets start with rant number one. Avenger stories with grammar issues.

I understand (sir or ma' am) that some of you don't have the best...ehrm...grammar skills. But that doesn't give you the excuse to...*sigh* let me just show you:



EHRMAHGERd! I vas walkin down da streetz and I bump into TONY STARKS!! He vas all liek hay bbby." And I vas all liek hi. I'm fernada hylero. And he vas liek. Cool. Com3 to mahhous. And den we got mmurried and deied.



Well, that was traumatic. I fell like whenever I read stories like that, I can hear my brain cells screaming "HELP US!! WE'RE DYING IN HERE!!!"

Seriously guys, what ever happened to the good old stories? Yah know, the ones I could actually READ.

Moving on to the second issue with stories here on Wattpad, they make no sense.



Hi, I'm Amanda Greene. I have powers. My fiancé died. But he didn't like me so whatever. I work for Tony Stark. He's cool. Thor is my boyfriend. We're getting married. But shhh.... I'm pregnant with Clint Barton's baby! I love Clint and Thor. I also had sex with Bruce. And Tony. And Natasha! I'm bisexual, I think. I'm not a whore though!


Okay. Here's what's wrong with the picture.

1. What exactly are Amanda Greene's powers?

2. If Thor is your boyfriend, but you're getting married, then wouldn't he be your FIANCÉ? Not your boyfriend?

3. Ever notice that she said "I'm pregnant with Clint's baby, had sex with Bruce, Tony AND Natasha." Then proceeded to say "I'm not a whore." Ehrm...ma'am? YES YOU ARE!! You're pregnant, getting married AND had sexual intercourse with 3 OTHER PEOPLE!!!!

Ugh, humanity. Here's reason 3! They get boring. Example:


Steve's hair cascaded in separate blonde streaks and clung beautifully to his face. His perfectly almost-tanned skin matches with his bright blue eyes. His pearly white teeth hidden behind two pink, plump, lips.


Dude, I've watched Captain America: First Avenger and The Avengers, have more pictures of Captain America in my iPod than all of Google Images, AND have a poster of him up on my wall. I DON'T NEED A RECAP OF HIS FACE OF PERFECTION!! There's a difference between descriptive and too much description. THAT'S TOO MUCH DESCRIPTION. It'll take me 3 days to figure out his damn expression, not to mention what he's saying!

Whatever, write how you want to write. I'm just gonna continue to laugh. Don't get your panties in a twist if you don't like my continuous laughter, I dun curr, Kay? KAY!

I'm probably gonna make an 'Avengers Stories...*sigh* Part Two' some other day after the holidays or after New Years. I'm kind of busy. I have a lot of ideas though! Pardon my late updating!


Send me feedback!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2013 ⏰

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