chapter 2 continued

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The first little while that I lived with Dustin and my mother everything was fine. Me and Dustin would do stuff together and me and my mom would watch movies together. But very quickly Dustin started getting upset with me because I wanted to see David, he was after all the closest thing to a father I'd ever had. So to back track a little, my biological father left when I was born. My father's side of the family has severe mental health issues. My father has so far been huffing paint since the 1980s. But anywho, Dustin started getting upset because he realized I didn't see him as my father I saw him as a friend and that was it. He couldn't stand how much I kept saying I wanted to see David and that I wanted to go back and live with David. Pretty soon stuff started getting bad. Dustin started drinking everyday and when he got mad he would beat my mother in every way imaginable. I remember one night him and my mother got into a fight and I heard my mother screaming for me. So of course I ran into the living room to find Dustin on top of my mother beating her face so hard with his fist that his pants were falling off his butt. My mother kept screaming, "Run Chris, Run! But I couldn't hardly move. I went to try to go towards the door and Dustin stopped cold and said, " You think you can out run me boy?", Well then run and see how fast I'll catch your ass. And it still bugs me to this day that I just stood there and watched my mother get beaten. And I felt powerless, complete and utter powerlessness. That night along with others still come up when I occasionally have ptsd attacks. I also went to the hospital for psychiatric care the first time while at Dustin's house. I woke up one night and heard my mother and Dustin having sex and for some reason it set me off. So I went into the kitchen and grabbed a pan and started beating the absolute shit out of Dustin with that pan. I woke up the next day and didn't remember anything. All I knew was I woke up In a hospital and I didn't know where I was. Still to this day that entire night is only known to me based on what my mother has told me of what happened. I ended up finding out that I was in greensboro, nc. And they told me why I was there and what had happened according to my mother and what she recounted of the events the night before. I remember a bunch of random things that happened with Dustin. Like how he got drunk and tried to pull a fake gun on cops and got tased. Also I was asleep one night and I woke up to the extreme smell of smoke. So I got up and my door was blocked from the outside. So I opened up my window and crawled out into the yard. Dustin was standing out front and as soon as he saw me he darted towards me. I ran to his mother's trailer which wasn't even a block away and woke her up. Dustin's stapdad's brother was there that night and he did not like Dustin what so ever. When I woke Dustin's mother up she immediately went and got Dustin's stepdad's bother.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2021 ⏰

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