Prologue: Satire

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Hi, My name is Olivia Kimathi.
I'm 23 years old
Welcome to the first chapter of my autobiography, YEUP! You guessed it, written and sealed by me.

In my life I have experienced my fair share of unfortunate events, but then I guess I could have it worse, I mean I could be dead already, instead, for the first time in forever, dear olé Nature, has gifted me something that I actually desired, the gift of opportunity, a chance to tell the true story of what really happened at the "Grey Cabin Matricide" in 3084. So that the world can see me, as I truly am.
I'm not writing this to become a symbol of pity, nor do I have a clean slate either, far from it actually, what I am is a victim of harsh reality which is why I needed to tell my side of the story, everything that happened, the beginning till the end in my own words.

Every story has more than one side, heck even a coin has two sides, a reality which is hardly understood by most people.
Whatever the judgement may be, my story is about the real truth, the little bits of events and scenes either cut out or reformed drastically to fit a fallacious narrative, to make sense of a false truth simply because.
By the way, there's nothing left to lose.
The society has fooled us into believing in a world full of fairness, justice, truth and accountability for all, but the unfortunate reality is that there is no justice or fairness in this world, well that is unless you decide to take matters into your own hands, just like I did.
And no, This is not me playing the villain, because...Does anyone ever really just...wake up one day and decide to be the object of ridicule and not so subtle judgements from people who barely know but view you merely as a subject for gossip? or to be hated and scrutinized for things you've gone through? I think not, I think that some people, like me are just very unfortunate to become victims of harsh circumstances.
"Pessimism becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, it reproduces itself by crippling our willingness to act" said Howard Zinn, mercilessly true words that I can't help but to think about even in my darkest hour, I hadn't always been a negative person, i hadn't always see the worst in people or realistically saw hope as a technical complexity that maims the mind. And for that, I was fueled by hopeless desire of the obnoxious feeling called 'love', Was that too a result of my trauma? had my life really had no other purpose but to be lived in wicked condemnation? Was I incomprehensibly unredeemable? Did I really have no other choice but to take justice into my own hands? I guess I'll let you be the judge of that.

Even in my last moments, self doubt continues to unforgivingly creep up on me and tear me apart heart fiber from heart fiber, maybe truly I am, nothing but a mere example for others to learn from, maybe that is in fact my purpose in life, who knows? But if it's one thing that I know for sure, it's that I irrefutably take absolute responsibility, pride even, for all my actions at the Cabin that night, and if I was given the choice to do it all over or take It all back, I, beyond a doubt would do it all over.
Because it was either me or him. No compromise, none at all.

Gear up though, the events are quite repugnant if I do say so myself...obscene even.

Taken a deep breath? Great. Let's get into it.

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