Chapter 1: A new beginning

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It started like any other day, clouds covered the greyish skies, a little droplet of rain hit the window every so often. I didn't think anything of it. To be honest, most British people don't think of the rain as we get used to it after a while as half of the time it rains. It doesn't come as a surprise.

I sit at the long dining table all alone, the only people nearby are the maids, chaperones and head house maid. They all stand in straight position as I slowly drink my tea. I hate the awkward silence when they watch me eat from all directions, it makes me feel like I'm put on the spot. It's been like this for a long time, I can't recall when it started.

As soon as I finish my tea, I head out where the driver is waiting to drive me to school. He knows his head slightly and greets me good morning. I acknowledge him back as he opens the door for me. I attend an all girls high school knows as St. Rostens, although I'm not religious, I go there. My father enrolled me there as it is one of the best all girl private schools in England where other rich girls go. I don't mind it but I don't like the fact that I am the only one in the school that doesn't have a religion or that I get weird looks from other girls.

I gaze out the window as the driver pulls away from the front door and onto the quiet road. Colours of green and brown race to my vision as we pass tall trees and freshly cut grass with stray flowers. A yawn overcomes me as I reach into my bag and start looking over materials we won't cover for another few weeks. I like to be ahead as it makes me prepared if anything unexpected comes up in class. After a twenty minute drive, he pulls up to the school gates where other students are walking past to enter the school. Getting out of the vehicle he runs around and opens the door for me. Wishing me a goodbye I reply with a thank you and head towards the main doors where my day of learning begins. I glance at the watch on my right wrist and it reads 8:30am.

Hmm, it's still early and class doesn't start till 9. Might as well head to the library to study a bit. I think to myself, I usually spend my mornings in the library so I can study before class starts. To be honest, if I'm not at home, my second home is the library as I study there before school, during lunch, during free period, after school and some evenings. The librarian often kicks me out when I stay over the time limit. Walking past the main doors, I travel up the concrete stair case that is in front of me towards the first floor where the library is. The corridor is silent as I gaze down it, I don't see anyone here. It is normally like this every morning as no one else uses the library this early. The sound of my horrible clunky shoes hits off the laminate flooring as I walk down the corridor.

Peeking through the door window, I don't see anyone inside. Placing my hand on the doorknob to see if it's open, I press down. The door swings open as I step in, gently closing it over once I get in, I smile as I know I'll get peace to study before 9. The white painted walls become familiar to me as well as the poorly lit lights that hang above.

As usual, the librarian comes out of the creepy dark spare room to see who it is. She dressed in her long brown skirt as always along with her green blouse and black shoes. Her glasses slide down her long bony nose as she approaches me. "Here again? Do you have a life besides being here?" She sighs after asking in her Irish accent. She pushes her glasses up as she glares at me. "Alright, you know the drill and keep it quiet, I have a chance to win a radio cash giveaway and I don't want to miss it cause of you." She continues and points her long pale index finger at me. Nodding my head, she turns around and back into the room she came out of.

Blowing a huff in relief, my fringe slightly floats away from my forehead. Just like every morning, I sit at the table with the chair farthest away from the window as I don't get a glare from the freshly washed windows. Sitting down on my usual chair, I sigh, smile slightly and pull out my books to begin writing some more notes. I continue with biology notes as I was doing that last night, well, this morning till the main house maid scalded me for being up after 2am.

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