Chapter 2: Welcome to Japan

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As I step into the manor, I hear the soles of my shoes hit off the freshly polished floor. There are boxes all over the ground, the servants and maids carrying them outside or taking into storage in the basement. 

Don't tell me we are relocating again. I talk to myself as I see the servants bustling away, not even looking up to notice me standing there watching them work. Eventually as I shut the door behind me, Yvonne comes running towards me, her maid skirt clenched in her fists so she does not trip.

"Miss Reed, your father is requesting your presence in his study as soon as possible." She bows in my direction, her black greying hair tied up into a bun. The frown on her makes her wrinkles look worse. Straightening up, she rushes me upstairs but I stop her before she does. 

"What's going on? The boxes?" I ask quietly, I don't really like talking much to the servants. I don't really like talking to people in general. 

"I am cannot disclose you that information Miss Reed, your father only instructed me to gather you and bring you to him." Not questioning anything, I climb the stairs which feel like a long time to climb. I stop a few times to look behind me and the staff are continuing to bustle around the manor. 

Reaching my father's study, I gently raise my pale fists to the door and knock two times before I hear. 

"Come in." My father's voice calls from the opposite side of the door. Slowly making my way into the room, I spy that his office is fairly clean, everything is almost packed away apart from the mahogany desk and the  tall black leather chair behind it. It is so strange to see my father's office so empty as it is normally filled with many things from books to the odd tacky trinket here and there. "There you are, how was your ride?" He speaks whilst straightening his black tie, the bright light coming from the overhanging light bulb above us makes his hair look greasy and shiny. 

"Okay. Why are we packing?" I stand there with my hands behind my back, my feet stick to the floor as I don't want to move them now, now I want to know what's going on. Although I am familiar to the staying somewhere for a less than a year or between 1-3 years before moving due to my fathers very busy schedule.

My father stands up and clears his throat. He gives me a weird look like I am talking crazy but he then relaxes his face. "Are you happy in school?"

My dark brown hair spins as I  shake my head in denial as the school I am going to is not as challenging as I wanted it to be. Also I do not like the other students as they constantly give me weird looks all day, every day. 

My father sighs, placing his hand on his cheek. Acting like he knew the answer before I gave him it. "That's disappointing but that does not matter. I got a phone call from a good old friend of mine today. He gave me an offer a few weeks ago about you. "


"Yes, we talk back and forth ever so often and I mentioned about how you are so dedicated towards your studies and get brilliant grades. He happens to be the headmaster of a great school and he has been kind enough to offer you a place in the school.

"Really? That's... nice of him." I struggle to find the right word as I don't want to come across as rude. But I don't know what this 'friend' looks or is like that supposedly is a headmaster of a school. 

"It is kind of him to do this, I hope your ok with this but I said that you can go. I know you are always wanting to challenge yourself academically and I think this will be the school for you to do so at. The school has many alumni that have become big names. Right now, one of the sons from the Ootori group is at the school as well."

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