First day

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The weekend was long and rather uneventful. Due to the jet leg I was suffering from, I was unable to do much as I was feeling lethargic. Shima understood and stated that my health is important and not to push myself too much before school started. 

Despite the jet leg, I did become familiar with some of the staff and learn their names rather quickly. They are all very pleasant and friendly towards me. The maids and servants were praising the son as I asked about him. They said he is a charming and smart boy. I did have a negative impression on him when I arrived here. A few of the maids teased me of potentially being a good match for the son. I could tell they were joking as I am not that attractive and interested. To be honest, no one has ever asked me out before. 

Apart from that, the staff made my first few days stay as pleasant as comfortable as possible. I even managed to wander in the gardens for a while and admire the blooming flowers as well as read. One maid named Hana is my main maid that would be tending to my needs like washing etc. Although I declined the offer, Shima was adamant of me having a maid. Hana is a lady in her late twenties with soft brown hair and delicate feature. She is a nice person to have a chat with as she helped me during the weekend with some preparations for school. 

Just before I dozed off on Sunday night, I couldn't help but wonder about what this son looks like. From what I heard from the staff at the manor, he sounds somewhat of a prince figure. I wonder if I will be meeting him tomorrow. There is no way someone can be describe as a prince? Can they?

*Monday morning*

I was woken up by Hana, the maid that is looking after me this morning. I glance at the window and it is sunny outside, which is nice. "Good morning Miss Reed. I am here to help you get ready this morning."

Climbing out of bed, a brief yawn escapes my mouth as I rub my blue eyes. My brown hair is a tangled mess this morning. Hana left me to wash myself this morning as she did not want me to feel uncomfortable of a stranger washing me. I understood as it would have felt a bit weird. The sound of the water running down the sink wakens me more as I finish up. 

Hana digs out my school uniform for the day as I climb out of the shower. I had a quick wash this morning as I would want a bath later on in the first floor bathroom. Spotting the uniform I have to wear, I realised that it is uglier than the one I had to wear for St. Rostens. "What do you think of the uniform Miss?" She asks me as I do the bow up. Glancing in the mirror, I notice I look horrid. The pale yellow colour dress is unappealing, the white puffy shoulder pads make me look like I am in the victorian era. The tacky pink bow at the collar does not match the rest of the outfit. Who created this uniform? I wonder as they need to be shot for this abomination. 

"I look like a banana." I reply to her as I place my hair in a hairclip to hold my hair up at the back of my head. You know what they say, new school, new look. Hana tries not to laugh at my comment towards the uniform. 

"That's very creative Miss, sadly this is the only girl's uniform there is. The boys uniform is the blazer and trousers. You will just have to make do." Hearing about the uniforms, I realise that it sucks about the uniforms. Having a crazy idea, I ask Hana to do something for me. I asked her not to say to anyone about it. Seeming on board, she agrees and leads down to breakfast. 

As I enter the dining room, I was expecting to have finally seen this son. But no one new is here but the staff and myself. To be honest, I have a feeling that I would not get to meet him. I have a quick breakfast of baked croissants with butter and various jams, tea and fruit before heading into the limo for school. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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