Chapter 7

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The Day We've All Been Waiting For

With all my learning done, I didn't really know what to do.

Which was why I was strolling through the town in the rain.

Does it ever stop raining in England?

My eyes scanned the area, making sure no one was following me, trying to kill me or stalking me. Suddenly, I saw an old leaflet.

'Tourist Attractions in England'

Aha. Something I could do. I opened the glass window which protected the announcement board from the weather and grabbed the pamphlet. Due to my demigod powers, it didn't get wet.

I read through the options and finally decided on Big Ben - One of the only things I'd heard of when I lived in the US. Annabeth had always wanted to see it and I figured it would be a way to honour her memory.

Thinking of my dead soulmate saddened me. I hadn't had much time to think about her during the past few months as I had been too busy studying, but now all of my grief hit me once more.

I held onto the notice board to steady myself as my tears mixed with the rain. If anyone had seen me, they would have been seriously worried - I looked broken.

I was broken.

Annabeth was my calm in the storm. The storm of my raging emotions, PTSD, anger, self-hate and work. She was capable of keeping me sane, but now, I felt myself slipping.


I cried and mourned some more then forced myself to calm down. Annabeth wouldn't want me to be like this.

I stood, wiped my tears and made my way back to my tent.

I packed my belongings and set off to figure out how I'd get to London. I found out that there was a bus going from the town I resided in to the Capital. It would arrive in an hour.

Which was perfect 'cause I was hungry.

I bought myself a sandwich, some cookies and a Gatorade. I'm sure Coach would be happy.

When the bus arrived, I sat at the back, hoping this wouldn't be a repeat of my first quest.

Ahh. The good ol' days.

Who am I kidding? They were anything but 'good' - maybe slightly better than the years that came after but definitely not 'good'.

The journey was uneventful, thank the Gods - Well, except for that one rat that appeared halfway through (scaring the living daylights out of an old lady). I got bored quickly and ate my food even faster so I was left with nothing to do. I stared out the window humming a tune and bouncing my knee.

When we finally arrived, I quickly hopped off and made my way to the nearest cafe. I ordered a coffee and went on my way. I spent the rest of the day walking past grand buildings and buying souvenirs. It became dark quick and I had to find a place to stay.

That was how the rest of the week passed. I visited museums, got bored quickly and moved onto the next. At one point, Hecate joined me stating:

"I do quite like modern Britain, although the food is... A bit mundane."

Personally, I thought the food was fine, though I did eat a lot of curries. Ama-Zhang.

When the time came, Hecate whisked me back to Godric's hollow.

I was slightly nervous.

Scratch that - I was extremely nervous - How would I be a baby without giving myself away?

Percy Jackson And The Fates Who Undeniably Hate Him. (PJOxHP)Where stories live. Discover now