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     I'm woken up from my sleep by voices having a conversation in the background. I am unable to make out what they are saying cause i just woke up and I'm feeling a little light headed. Even though I'm awake, I decided to keep my eyes shut so that I can eavesdrop on their conversation.

  "Why didn't you kill her when you had the chance?", said a voice which I knew fully well belonged to Health.

   "I say we keep her, she is kinda cute if you ask me.", said an unfamiliar voice. I guess it belongs to one of the other two guys from before.

   "I say we kill her while we still can", said Health. I almost flinched at the harshness in his voice.

"Why would you want to kill her? she is still a child.", said another unfamiliar voice.
I was about to reply that I wasn't a child, I was almost eighteen but Cage spoke up before i could, more like he shouted all of a sudden.
  "Enough!!!", He shouted. His voice caught me by surprise.
It was really the close distance of his voice to were I was lying plus how loud his voice was that surprised me so much that I jumped out of the bed. But because of how unlucky I actually am, my head collided with the head of whoever was seated beside me.

I bite my lips to stop myself from screaming in pain from the impact. I gently massaged the area that was hurt with my left hand. When the pain finally subsided, I opened my eyes and met with that of Cage except his was full of pure rage and anger.
I gave him a weak smile with a small wave before I dashed out of whatever room I was in.
I didn't get the chance to look at the room or the faces of my kidnappers properly. All I saw was Cage's emerald colored eyes full of rage.

I dashed out the door, ignoring the voices calling out to me.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?!"

"Stop right there!"

"You're going to get lost!"

"Maya fuckin Jones, if you don't want me to put a bullet through your fuckin head, stop right there", Cage spat out a few feets  away from me, his words dripping with venom.

With that I pulled to a halt, too shocked to keep on moving. How on Earth did he find out my name. I never told any of them and my phone.......
I checked my pockets, ignoring all of the weird stares I was getting. Unfortunately, my pockets were empty. I must have dropped it with the shopping bags before I got into the car. I also didn't have my ID on me. So how exactly did he find out my name.

I was interrupted  from my chain of thoughts by my hand being pulled harshly to turn me around.
I spun around to come face-to-face with four pairs of eyes stareing right at me.
I could finally see their faces clearly. I finally knew how my kidnappers looked. The only person I recognized was Cage. I would never be able to forget those intense emerald eyes. I gave him a quick glance before turning my focus to the other three, taking in their full profile.

Two out of the three guys had brown hair and brown eyes. While the last guy, Health was hairless and he had ocean blue eyes.

When I was done giving them a once overall, I turned my focus back to Cage to check him out properly. To say I was shocked would have been a HUGE understatement. There was only one word I could use to describe Cage, "Drop dead gorgeous". If not for our current situation and the fact that he kidnapped me, then I would have been swooned by how handsome he looked. Any girl would go weak in the knee at the sight of him.

He had a well chiselled face with sharp jaw bones that could cut my fingers if he tried hard enough.

I suddenly had the urge to trace his jaw. I mentally slapped myself and continued with my observation.

He had thin lips that are a light shade of pink, a well structured nose and his eyes were the kind of eyes you could easy get lost in. Unlike the other guys, Cage had black hair.

When I was done checking Cage out, our eyes connected and I found him stareing at me with a blank expression. I couldn't break eye contact, his eyes were so intense, like he could see through my soul.

I finally broke eye contact when I felt a cold metal object being pressed against my forehead. When I glanced at the object, I saw that it was a gun, Cage was the one holding it. My breath hitched, I tried as much as possible to hide my fear but I failed miserably. My hand were already shaking, my heart was beating violently against my chest. My heart was pounding loudly in my ears, I'm sure Cage can hear it but he decided to ignore it. When exactly did he pull out the gun.
Before I could question his sanity, he spoke first.

"Who do you think you are running round my house like you own the place?", He said coolly.

For the first time since I woke up, I observed my surrounding. When I glanced around, I saw that we were in some kind of hallway and they were about ten royal blue doors located on each wall of the hallway. At one end of the hallway, there was an elevator and at the other end, there was a big red boor which had the sign 'stairs' placed above it.
The walls  were painted white and the florescent lights in the hallway made the place look brighter.

'is this a dream or some kind of sick joke'


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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