Chapter two

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Y/n and her kids deeply missed Michikatsu. He was usually gone most of the time, yes, but at least they knew he'd return.

Y/n didn't want to tell her kids and just told him he will be home soon but... it's hard to believe he will come back since he left without a word. 

The night after he left Y/n put on a smile for her kids and set them to bed, "Your father went on another trip. He won' back in a couple of days.." Y/n said smiling as she caressed her son's face. Her sons hummed in response and closed his eyes letting the darkness take away him in his mind.

The days went by quickly, days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Michikatsu still has not visited nor sent letters to his family, Y/n gave up on hope for him to come back. She knew he wasn't going to my the way he didn't even look at her or give her one last look before he walked away.

Y/n sighed looking at the moon, she remembered when Michikatsu and her were children she used to watch him train and always cheer him on. It would make Michikatsu have a small smile on and beside her was his younger brother, Yoriichi.

When Michikatsu didn't have time to play with Yoriichi Y/n would. She taught him how to make a kite and since he didn't talk as much she would just be the one talking with small responses from him. He would only smile and laugh once in a while which made Y/n happy. She would pat his head and get up to check on Michikatsu.

His hands were blistered due to him overworking and holding onto his sword tightly. Y/n would always be the one to treat him and tell him stories. That's what made Michikatsu fall for her, her positive attitude glistened and her caring heart was just too kind for this world.

Y/n was outside getting her children's clothes from the wire. She had to wash them earlier but something was off when she was taking down the clothes...

There weren't any birds nor little animals running around like usual... Y/n quickly started to take off the clothes, there shouldn't be any demons around since the sun was... setting?!!

The sun was going down faster and faster it terrified Y/n, once she finished getting the clothes she ran back into her home. Well...she tried too.

As soon as she reached the door she heard a growl which made her freeze. Again Y/n had no experience with swords nor with protecting herself since Michikatsu never allowed her to. Quickly sliding the door open and attempting to close it the demon pushed the door open with unbelievable strength and pounced on Y/n. When the demon pounced on Y/n, they both it the dinner table knocking many things down catching her kids' attention. Her kids' eyes widened at the sight and screamed.

The demon went down to bite Y/n, and Y/n used her arm so the demon wouldn't bite anywhere else. The [Color of hair] haired girl screamed in pain, she couldn't push the demon off of her it was too strong. Grabbing the nearby knife Y/n used when she was making dinner for her kids, screaming as she stabbed the head of the demon over and over again. The demon's bite loosened and Y/n used as much strength as she could to kick the demon away from her.

Her arm was bleeding badly, the bite was deep almost taking a chunk off her skin. Her children were shaking at the sight, Y/n ushered them to the closet to hide as the demon was on the floor dead. Closing the closet and handing them the knife in case anyone dares to come close.

"I-I need you to stay in here and be quiet alright!"
Y/n said as she pushed many big items or furniture she could find to block the closet. Her children remained silent, "Alright?!" Y/n yelled. "A-Alright." They both said stuttering from fear.

"I love you both so much.." Y/n said as she heard crackling from behind as the demon was regenerating. Grabbing the extra sword Michikatsu left behind and holding it weakly since the demon bit down on her arm.

The demon grinned with drool coming out of its mouth. "Marechi! Marechi!! So intoxicating!" The demon said cackling. Y/n gripped the sword and when the demon attempted to pounce on her she swung the sword, the sword went into the demon's ahead and the demon clawed at Y/n's stomach.

Y/n let go of the sword holding her stomach walking back from the demon. The demon pulled out the sword with ease and licked its finger tasting the Marechi blood from the bleeding out girl in front of him.

The demon pounced on Y/n and bit her, clawing her stomach and eating her flesh. Y/n's screams were loud, the pain was too much, attempting to push the demon off was impossible. When she did try the demon just laughed evilly pulling out more flesh and showing it to her. Y/n's eyes were heavy the pain was no longer there, instead she felt numb on her whole body.

The last thing she saw was the sight of her children's eyes in between the crack of the closet when she was on the ground.

Michikatsu abandoned his own family to choose the path of a Demon Slayer. But at the end of the day what he didn't expect is when he was out walking in the woods along with his younger brother Yoriichi was to see his old home.

Looking at the home, it looked old. Like it hasn't been taking care of at all nor has anyone lived in it. Yoriichi found the sight of the home suspicious, he knew this was his older brother's home. Yoriichi also knew that Y/n was always the type to like the home clean and garden perfect and that isn't what the home looked like right now...

Michikatsu stepped forward and walked towards the home with Yoriichi following behind. When they step closer to the home Michikatsu instantly put his hand over his nose at the disturbing smell that came from it.

Entering the open home, the first thing he saw was Y/n on the ground and the lower part of her body missing. His children dead in another room, Yoriichi paused at the sight of  Y/n.

Michikatsu didn't move, his eyes widened at the sight of his dead wife. Y/n was holding onto something in her hand...Michikatsu opened her hand gently and saw the ring he gave her when he proposed. Getting the ring out of her hand and putting it inside the pocket of his haori.

He didn't want to cry. He didn't want to feel guilty for himself leaving.

"Brother...I'm sorry," Yoriichi said stepping out of the home to give him some alone time. Michikatsu didn't bother looking back or answering him, instead, he bent down towards Y/n's dead body and hugged it.

No words could come out of his mouth. The things he wanted to say couldn't come out, his wife truly didn't deserve such a painful death.

Guilt and anger filled his body, that's the only thing he could feel at this moment.

The Moon Is Beautiful, Isn't It? (Kokushibo/Michikatsu X Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now