As she was settling to finally read her book, Isabella got disturbed once again by someone knocking on her door. She had enough unannounced guests today ! She got up and opened the door ready to insult whoever was on the other side.
" If you are coming without an appointment you can go fu-... "
She stopped as she bumped into Richard's chest, she started falling backwards, unable to regain her balance. In a very elegant and swift move, Richard took 2 silent steps and catched her before she touched the ground, one hand behind her head and one under her legs. They were now standing in complete silence, her still in his arms, fixing his face hypnotised by his gaze. She managed to snap out of it and gained back her composure.
"Thanks for catching me, but what are you doing here ? "
"Well I was walking back to the city and I decided to come see you " he said while making his usual charming smile."
" You really have nothing better to do ? ". She wanted him out, she couldn't shake this memory about his tattoo. " If you have nothing to ask i'm gonna have to ask you to leave "
" Are you busy ? Clearly you weren't waiting for someone since you seemed so eager to tell whoever was on the other side of the door to go away ".
Richard was quick to notice she seemed distressed, he got closer to her.
" what's wrong Bella ? "
" Don't call me that, we aren't friends, we aren't close, you are just a stranger that I seem to bump into very often and I want you out of my house right now ! ".
She was losing her cool and she wasn't trying to make it seem like everything was ok anymore.
Seeing her in this state, Richard decided to simply step out, he gave her one last look back as she kept the door open just enough to see if he was really going away.
Richard was walking down the mountain, going slower than usual and deep in his thoughts " did I do or say something wrong to her ? Maybe she was annoyed by her previous customer. I need to make it up to her somehow but she clearly was stressed by my presence". Thinking back on the scene that just happened, he remembered she kept looking back and forth at the knife that was on the small table next to the entrance. Meaning she was not simply annoyed but probably scared if she thought of even grabbing a knife to fight. " But I'm not a stranger, if I wanted to harm her I would have done it already, it makes no sense. Why would she be scared of me since the last time we saw each other ? She never saw me in action so she doesn't know my skills unless she is a - .. ". His train of thought got cut short as he perceived a few smells in front of him, focusing on his hearing he managed to catch a few voices in front of him, the sun was setting but luckily Richard was used to the darkness. Walking closer to the voices he started to distinguish them clearer.
One Bald man with a scar across the face was speaking to a group, he seemed to be the leader
" I'm fookin' tellin ya there's this lil fire hair woman righ up there in her lil shackle lads ! We are five men we can take her "
" Humm, boss, we are six ... " Said one who seemed to be the youngest among them.
" You don't count moustik ! " Said the biggest one from the band while slapping his back and squishing his face. The big man was dark skinned and almost 6ft5, probably from the southern nation of Grizyen.
''Look at ya, you have no hair on your face ! The boss said men ! You are lucky we are having our fill of women or I would make you my woman every night ahah ! ".
Moustik struggled out of his grasp
" It's not because you are bigger and older that you get to say things like this ! Cirus ! You gonna let him talk to me this way ? ".
The young man was addressing a man that was laid down on the ground sharpening arrowheads, he seemed generally bored with everything going on around him.
" Can you not involve me in your argument ? I'm trying to focus on things that matter. Like where do we sleep and what do we eat. I've been taking care of you for 17 years Moustik, maybe you should stop relying on me when you get in trouble "
" What a useless brother... " said Moustik under his breath.
" What did you just say ?! " Said Cirus as he got on his feet.
" Nothing " said Moustik, whimpering away.
His brother grabbed him by the collar.
" Listen you lil shit ! If you aren't happy, you hunt by yourself, you kill and steal by yourself, remember that we are in this situation because of YOU ! I would have been fine on my own but i have to take care of you ! So now you stay put and you shut your mouth or i swear i'll send you to join mom and dad myself ! Got it ?! "
Visibly shaken, Moustik simply nodded.
The boss turned to the 2 last members.
" Shifty and Nifty, you lot go check first if there's anything dangerous ahead will ya ? ".
Upon closer inspections Shifty and Nifty were demi humans with feline attributes. Both of them were smaller than the usual demi humans Richard was used to seeing. Children ?
" Don't worry boss me and my lil never messed up, isn't that right Nift ? "
" Yep yep ! We never mess up "
The boss slightly patted both of their heads
I know my lil ones, evar since you joined us, all the gigs we've had have been extra smooth, so i have all my faith in ya both. Come on, go now ! "
Nifty and Shifty started running up the path towards Isabella's house. Richard had no other choice but to follow after them. " Even if they are demi humans, they are young and immature I can see that " thoughts Richard. As they were approaching the house closer the demi-humans were going slower. Richard was thinking of the best method to take them out. The faster the better, the last thing he wanted was to be caught red handed by Isabella slicing away at some bandit, he would look like a monster and she was scared enough. He was getting closer and closer, suddenly one of the 2 raised an ear. Richard stood completely still, the forest was almost pitch black, only thing you could hear was the wind blowing away and the leaves falling to the ground. Every sense on alert, controlling each of it's breaths, Richard slowly pulled one of it's throwing knives, ready to engage the demi humans. The twins resumed their walking, it started raining, " perfect " though Richard, the rain would mask his scent and also make him even more stealthy. Upon arriving at only a few meters from the fence of her house the twins decided to split up and surround the house. It was the moment to strike, Swiftly making his way to the right of the house, Richard tracked one of the twins, only a few meters away. Lightning struck and so did Richard, it was over in an instant, the knife quickly sliced the trachea of the feline, Richard kept his hand on the demi human's mouth and looked at it in the eyes as life was slowly fading from its eyes. Now it was time for the second one. As Richard got up his senses were indicating an imminent danger ! He ducked as a small knife barely missed him, he rolled to the side, only to discover the other twin eyes full of rage looking at him. They were both fixing each other. When a second bolt of lighting struck, Richard charged towards the feline. He threw his current knife, forcing the demi to move, out of the way, the knife landed on the fence, and in a desperate attempt the demi tried stabbing Richard from below, only to have his arm twisted back into its own chest. Just as expected they lacked experience in real combat and were fairly young, The feline still alive was desperately trying to scratch the human's face, Richard plunged the knife deeper into its chest, ending it's struggle. As a tear was rolling on its cheek, Richard closed its eyes and made a light prayer " oh god please forgive these children for their fault and let them enter paradise. rest in peace." He would bury them later but first, he had to take care of the rest of the group. Retrieving his knife on the fence, Richard had one last look towards the herborist's house, as he catched a glimpse of her reading a book through one of her windows, his resolve grew stronger. He would defend her even from the devil himself.

Frozen Summer
FantasyIsabella is a young witch trying to find her place in the world while evading contacts as much as possible with other people. But one day the world took everything from her, so in return she took everything from the world.