Richard was shocked by this sudden revelation.
" No ... it's impossible, you have worked for Malik for months, I saw you and talked to you so often, your absence would have been noticed. "
Eliza was looking at the ground, ashamed.
" I can make people forget everything about me, there was just this one time where I just didn't put the disguise on and somehow you knew you had " seen " me before. I'm sorry Richard, I didn't want to trick you. "
Richard's voice became cold.
" So you are the one who disrupted my magic. "
" Yes. "
" How ? "
" Have you heard of runes ? "
" Dammit ... "
" I just had to put the following condition : Only I can perform magic within this space. "
" We trusted you. "
" I'm sor - "
Richard's eyes were full of rage and sorrow while Eliza's were full of shame and regrets. The duchess gently grabbed Eliza by the shoulder while staring at Richard.
" Come my child, you did great, let's get out of here. We will see you tomorrow Richard. "
Richard stared back at the duchess the whole time, anger was the only thing saving him from despair. " How am I going to get out of this ? Bella please be safe. "
Nighttime had fallen on the town of Ciscera, the waitresses and remaining patrons had gathered in the space behind the tavern where Konnor and Izi usually trained, some of them had brought flowers, some braught candles. After having cleaned the tavern as best as they could, all of them organized a quick ceremony to say their farewell to Malik. Each person would go in front of the grave they had dug up and would speak. Konnor's turn arrived and he stepped in front of the small gathering.
" Hmm, Hi, Malik took me in at a strange time in my life, I had just lost my brother, I was living alone in the woods, thinking every day could be the last. He gave me shelter, he gave me purpose and for that I thank him, he was a great man and I will never forget him. "
Izi came right after him.
" Just like Konnor, Malik accepted me despite the mistakes I may have made, he didn't judge me because of what I look like or who I was associated with. He was a man that was judging the souls of people, we will miss you Malik. "
Izi walked off and Isabella stepped up.
" To be honest, I only knew Malik through the stories Richard told me about him and even though I haven't spoken to him this much, he was already considering me apart of his family and before I realised it, so did I. I'm now going to let someone who knew him the best from all of us speak. "
Jessamine started walking up to the grave, the skin around her eyes was red due to constantly wiping her tears, she gave a slight hand gesture to Bella, asking her to stay next to her, Bella nodded and simply placed herself next to Jess.
" Hi ... Me and .. We .. " The words were stuck in her throat, the grief was overwhelming her, Isabella placed her hands on Jess shoulders to help her calm down. Jessamine took a deep breath, exhaled and resumed her speech. " I met Malik a few months ago, I had just run away from home, I was living in the street, I almost thought I was going to have to sell my own body to survive but one night, as I was shivering in a ditch, a single arm reached out to me. In his eyes I could see no malicious intent, no ulterior motives, just the most kind look a human can give to another. He fed me, clothed me, gave me work even if it was tough sometimes and ultimately he gave me something I never had before : love. I realised the true meaning of love by being in contact with him, love is not just hugging someone, it's not just saying it or giving gifts. Love is about giving selflessly every fiber of your being for the sake of the person next to you and for that I can say for sure that Malik loved me and I will always love him. Thank you everyone. "

Frozen Summer
FantasyIsabella is a young witch trying to find her place in the world while evading contacts as much as possible with other people. But one day the world took everything from her, so in return she took everything from the world.