The Liéchi was a giant creature that was around 3ft tall. It's head was a deer skull whose handles were completely black, he was wearing a mantle that looked like bear skin, it's arms were made of wood. It pointed it's crooked finger towards us and as it opened its mouth it let a piercing and deafening screech. It was so powerful it made me lose balance, i thought i was about to pass out. Malik grabbed me by the shoulder and screamed at the twins to run. We aimlessly sprinted through the fog with the wolves right behind us. We had no idea where we were going . all we knew was that stopping meant death.
Emetr fell on the ground, a vine had roped itself around her ankle and was now pulling her towards one of the trees. Her brother came running to rescue her, Malik and I had no choice but to stop and try to help too but I was still carrying Sinak's body. Just as Ezek reached her sister, a wolf lunged at him and started tearing through his shoulder, his screams echoing through the swamp while his sister was getting pulled further away from the rest of us. Malik ran after her.
" You save him ! I got her ! "
They both disappeared into the fog. In these moments where every decision counts, I had no other choice but to drop Sinak. I had to focus on my one friend still breathing, Ezek was wrestling with the wolf as much as he could. Luckily i managed to get to him before any other wolf came closer, I didn't hesitate and stabbed the wolf right through it's head. I lifted Ezek up and told him to run as fast as he could, his shoulder was torn open but at least he was alive. Two wolves were now attacking me, I managed to evade both of them and counter attack. I started running for my life, in the hope that I would somehow find a way out of here. I stumbled onto something, i fell to the ground and as i looked back i noticed i fell over the body of Ezek. I didn't have the time to get up and a wolf jumped on me, only thing between my face and it's fangs was my dagger but it was so strong i could not move away, I then managed to bring my legs closer and push the wolf away but i still couldn't get on my feet. Another wolf was already jumping towards me, I had no time to react, I could see all of it happen as if time was slowing down. I thought my time had come, but just a second later the wolf layed dead next to me, completely cut in half. I then got picked up by a powerful force and put on my feet, something strong pushed me forward. As I looked behind my shoulder, I realised what just happened. Ramos was there battling the wolf pack, he picked me up and forced me to run away. He noticed me slowing down so he screamed as loud as he could " GO ! ". I didn't want to let him here, and my friends were still lost in the fog. Malik emerged from the fog, he was badly hurt, he was alone.
" Malik ! Where is Emetr ? "
She got pulled into a tree and I barely escaped ! Listen we need to run bec- "
" We are not leaving Ramos here ! "
Malik looked over at Ramos, cutting down wolves with his double handed battle axe like it was nothing.
" Look, I know you are worried but he will be right behind us ! We need to get the hell away from here. If we make it to the village we can bring in reinforcement ! "
I knew he was right, i knew running away was the best decision, but i just couldnt leave Ramos here.
" Malik, I trust you more than anyone, go get help, I'll stay here, Ramos told me to go straight ahead and it's probably where he came from so go there and don't stop you hear me ?!
Malik hesitated but he started running.
" You better not fucking die you courageous idiot ! "
He then disappeared into the fog. I then came running to help Ramos fight off the pack.
" I told you to run away from here ! Why don't you ever listen to me when I tell you something important ?! "
" If you want me to leave move your fucking legs and run with me old man ! "
We were fighting back to back, the wolves kept on coming, when one was cut down, two appeared out of the fog. We were getting tired, we had to get out of here before exhaustion led us towards our demise. Slowly advancing while protecting ourselves we finally managed to find the beginning of the swamp, we were closer to the exit.
" Ramos ! i recognise this part, we can get away here ! Follow me "
" Right behind you kid ! "
I was simply running as fast as I could, but then, right when I thought we were out of any danger, a wooden claw grabbed me by the throat and started to bring me back into the swamp. I then got lifted into the hair, I was now facing the deer skull of the Liéchi, I desperately tried to stab the hand but he wasn't letting go. I started to lose consciousness as it was choking me. Then from the corner of my eyes I saw Ramos jump into the air and in a powerful blow cut the wooden arm of the Léichi. I fell down on the ground gasping for air. Laying on my side, I watched Ramos fight the angry spirit. The fog was now completely cleared up and no more wolves were showing up. I had to help but I was exhausted, I painfully got up and picked up my dagger. Ramos turned my way.
" GO ! NOW ! "
Ramos was evading attacks after attacks from the Léichi, suddenly the creature backed off and joined its hands in a praying motion. At this moment a wooden spike pierced ramos in the leg. He fell to his knees, my legs wouldn't move, I was completely frozen in place. The forest spirit was now looking straight at me, advancing slowly towards me. When it got close enough, it did a wide movement to cut my head off, for the second time Ramos saved my life but got hit in the process. He was bleeding heavily.
" Ramos ! Let me fight it and you run away ! I'll be right behind you ! "
" No ! " he was spitting blood " just go you dumb kid, i'm done for .. "
I didn't want to leave him here, the Léichi was creeping closer to us, it then made a praying motion just like before. The ground under us started shaking, in a final attempt, Ramos picked me up and pushed me away as far as he could, he smiled at me and said.
" Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a better father ".
As he finished his sentence, a wooden spiked came from the ground and impaled him.
I was devastated, the Léichi was now closer than ever, I then felt a strange force coming from within. I felt stronger, I felt powerful. I wanted this shitty spirit to burn. I wanted it to suffer from flames that would never stop. And then as it tried to strike me, it's whole body caught on fire. It's screeched in pain waving its arm trying to extinguish the flames. I didn't understand what just happened. I then grabbed my dagger and ran to it, though I thought I needed to be to it's height, if only I could fly or jump higher. Just when I thought this, a powerful gust of air lifted me from the ground and into the air.
I was now at the perfect height to attack, in a final attempt to defend itself, the Léichi tried striking me. Once again i pictured myself moving into the air to evade it's strike, next thing i knew, i had moved in mid air around its arm. In a final scream of rage I sliced it's head open right in the middle of its face. I then landed on the ground and the flames extinguished themselves. The Léichi fell to the ground, completely immobile, it was dead and I had won. I then walked over to Ramos's body, I was overwhelmed with grief and all I could do was close his eyes, and silently thank this man for giving me the opportunity and honor to be his son.

Frozen Summer
FantasyIsabella is a young witch trying to find her place in the world while evading contacts as much as possible with other people. But one day the world took everything from her, so in return she took everything from the world.