Chapter two-Welcome

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My eyes flutter open. I'm on a soft object, it's a couch.

I whimper some. One of the men from before appears in front of me. The one with the blue shirt. He's changed into a cat onesie now.

"Hey, kiddo," He begins gently. He settles himself on the floor in front of me. I tense up as he moves his hand towards me. "It's ok, kiddo. I'm not going to hurt you. No here is." He says to me.

I nod slightly. I try to sit up, only to whimper in pain.

Hands fit themselves under my arms, lifting me into a sitting position. I look behind me to see another one of the guys. The one that was in the prince shirt. He's now wearing fuzzy Pj pants, only, no top.

I flush a slight red. He bounces over the couch and sits next to me. "Hey, kitty. You feeling any better? You were beat up real bad." He says.

I nod slowly. "I-I'm ok, I think." I answer him.

"Are you sure? You lost a quite a bit of blood. You're lucky I'm a doctor and have different blood types here just in case. Along with other medical supplies." Another voice spoke from behind me.

Must be the third guy.

"Quit sounding like you're scolding him, Calculator Watch. Be a little gentler. He's clearly shaken up." The guy next me told the other.

"I'm not scolding him, Roman. I'm just stating simple facts." The tie wearing on answered.

The Roman character was about to say something when round glasses spoke up. "Now, now. No fighting. We have a guest that we must treat." He scolds.

They both grumble. I giggle some at their reactions. 'Roman' smiles at me.

"Permission to pet your ears?" He asks. I nod my head and tilt it towards him.

He smiles widely and strokes my ears gently. I haven't been shown this much affection, like ever.

Soft purrs errupt from my throat. "You're adorable, kitty." He whispers. I blush some but lean into his touch.

"You should eat something. With the amount of blood you lost, you need something in your system." The one from behind finally reveals himself.

He was wearing blue Pj pants and a black shirt. He really likes those colors doesn't he?

"If it isn't much trouble, food would be nice." I mumble. Round glasses shoots up from the floor.

"I must feed my new kiddo!" He yells before running into the kitchen. Mr. serious following him. Telling him I need nutrients and other stuff.

I also just noticed I feel a lot warmer then I did. I look down to see I'm wearing a soft, white hoodie, and black booty shorts.

"I changed, kitty. I hope you don't mind. You were shivering a lot and Patton was too scared he would hurt you and Logan was busy cleaning up after doctoring you." Roman told me.

I nodded some. "Thank you." I whisper. He just smiles and strokes my ears again. When did he stop? I dunno.

Soon the other two comes back. Patton hands me a plate with different foods on it. How did he make this so fast?

"These will give you the nutrients and vitamins you need to help your body." The smart one tells me. I nod and take a bite of food.

I smile, "Thanks. This is really good."

"I'm so glad you like it, kiddo! Don't tell Logan but I'll give you a cookie after." He whispers the last part.

I laugh some and continue to eat. "Ah, pardon us. We didn't introduce ourselves. My name is Logan Sanders. I'm the local doctor in town. And I've been told my intelligence is pretty high. This one," He lays his hand on round glasses' shoulder.

"Is my fiancé, Patton Samuels. The other one is my pain in the ass cousin, Roman." Logan says. Roman gasps and stand up.

"I am not a pain in the ass! How dare you!" He gapped. I laugh as Patton tries to separate them.

Roman finally settles back down on the couch next to me again. I tilt my head towards him for more pets.

He laughs some and strokes my ears again. I start to purr again, louder this time.

He's so gentle with me. I haven't left this ever. It's so different, I like it.

Patton takes my, now empty, plate from me. Logan sits on a chair close to the couch and adjusts his glasses.

"Right well, I've been doing some research on nekos." He begins. He reaches for a notebook next to him. "I found that nekos need masters to feel safe. Am I correct?"

I shake my head. "Masters are to help us and take care of us. Yes, we feel safe with masters or suppose to, I didn't. But it's not a need be quality." I correct. Logan nods his head.

"I see, thank you. Now nekos need to be bathe everyday to be the healthiest they can, correct?"

"Yeah, even though water is disgusting in ever way, shape, and form. If you want us to be the healthiest we can. We need baths." I hate water. It's nasty.

Roman and Patton laugh at my response to water. Logan gave a small, very, very, small smile.

"Alright. You can't have milk?" He asks. I shake my head again.

"We can. But, it's kinda like being, uh," I huff not being able to think of the word.

Roman chuckles and rubs my back gently. "Lactose intolerant?" He asks.

"Yeah, that. We can have milk it just makes us sick. We love cream though. Cream is good." My voice wavers a bit at the end.

"Cream, Alright. You need to be brushed?" Logan asked again. How many questions does he have!

"Unless you want knots and stuff in our ears, hair, tail. Like we clean ourselves but some things we can't do." I explained.

Patton gasps before Logan could speak. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I bet it's so cute when you clean yourself! Is it like a cat!? Cats are so cute when the clean themselves!!" He shouts some.

I winced to the loudness, Logan tells him to quiet down. "Y-Yeah, it's like cats. I am a cat. Half cat, half human." I say. My eyes zone out some. Roman laughs and snaps his fingers.

I jump and look at him. "You ok, kitty. You got really confused and distant for a second there."

"Yeah sorry. We zone out we in thought." I explain. They all nod.

"So, petting is an need or a want?" Logan asks, again.

"Both." I answer without missing a beat.

"Elaborate." Logan tells me. He clicks his pen.

"Pets are nice. They feel good. But they also calm us. If we're scared or nervous, petting can calm our nerves. But they also feel really good." I explained. Logan writes down what I say.

"I see, if I have any more questions, I shall ask. Is that ok?" He asks me. I nod in return. "Wonderful, I shall see you all in the morning.." He slows his words down.

"Do nekos need to sleep with someone? I've that rumor but I'm not entirely sure." He says and asks.

I blush brightly but nod. "Sleeping with someone, preferably our masters, give a sense of protectiveness. It makes us feel safe. We're ok with sleeping on our owns. But we won't sleep much, we'll always be on edge. Mostly why I haven't slept more than three hours a night my whole life. And cuddling helps. Cuddling gives us warmth. Earth is comforting to us. Being warm is a nice feeling. We almost always have an blanket around of jacket, hoodie, whatever." I mumble one of the sentences but Roman heard.

He shoots a concerned glance to me. "I see, are you ok with sleeping with one of us? Most likely Roman. Since Patton and I will sharing a bed." Logan says and asks again. He loves questions don't he?

"If he doesn't mind." I mumble. Roman takes my hand in his and gives a bright smile.

"Not at all. I'll keep you warm and safe all night!" He says happily.

I smile some and mutter a quiet thanks. He scratches my ears earning happy purrs.

Maybe I'll have actual home now. Maybe a new, good, master now.


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