Chapter four-Bath time and making a grumpy kitty happy

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(N/A: Hey loves, so just wanted to say, Virgil has a collar on and it says his name. So they knew his name.)

Roman didn't seem bothered by the fact I called him master. Instead he just muttered, "Good, kitty." And began to wash me.

He adds neko friendly shampoo onto a soft washcloth. Logan must have gotten the shampoo, there's also conditioner and body wash.

If you're wondering, wash cloths are easy in our ears and tail. It's better then scrubbing with bare hands. But our hair you can use your hands with.

Roman gently washes my ears before moving to my tail. Once he finishes my ears and tail, he washes the washcloth out and lays it on the bathtub side.

He puts shampoo on his hands and scrubs my hair. "You're doing so good, kitty." He praises. I scowl in response.

He takes a cup and fills it up with water and begins to rinses my ears and hair. I hiss at the water falling over me.

"Kitty," Roman warns. I quiet down but with a pout.

He moves to my tail and rinses it in the water. Well he just moved it around in the water.

He adds conditioner onto the washcloth. He scrubs my ears gently. "I would purr if I was wasn't in water." I mumble quietly.

Roman chuckles and moves to my tail. "You doing good, kitty." He praises me again.

He puts conditioner on his hands and scrubs my hair.

He leaves the conditioner in and adds body wash to the washcloth. He gently rubs my chest and stomach with the cloth. Careful of the wounds.

I hiss quietly when he rubs over one of the wounds. "Sorry, Kitty. I'm being a gentle as possible." He tells me. I just nod my head.

He lifts my arm up and washes under it. He does the same to the other arm.

He washes down my legs and underneath them. "Ok, Kitty, I'm going to wash near your, y'know. Is that ok?"

I nod my head as answer. He washes my crotch and behind. "I just need to rinse the conditioner out, then we'll be done."

I nod again. "Are you too grumpy to talk to me?" Roman teases. I grumble and scowl at him.

He laughs and begins to rinse my ears and hair out. He waves my tail in the water before pulling me up and out in the horrid bath.

"See, kitten, you need a bath. Look how dirty the water is." I look behind me. The water was brown but that's because I haven't had a bath other water being thrown at me.

He lets the water out before bandaging me up again. "Wait here, kitty. I'm going to go get you some clothes. Patton went out this morning and got some, he also got the shampoo and stuff." Oh, Logan didn't get them, Huh.

Roman leaves the room after wrapping me a towel. I sit on the floor and bite a string on the towel.

Roman comes back and chuckles. He stands me up and takes the string out of my mouth.

He pulls a pair of grey leggings onto of me. "Lift your arms." I do as told.

He slips a black sweater over my arms and onto my torso. The sweater is warm and soft. I snuggle into and purr.

Roman smiles and scratches my ears. I glare at him with a pout. "You mad at me?" He asks, I just glare even more.

Roman laughs and takes my hand. "You hungry? I'll give you some cream if you promise not to be mad anymore."

"Yes, please." Roman smiles and leads me out of the bathroom. I bounce onto the counter and watch Roman open a can of cream.

He pours it into a bowl and sits it in front of me. I smile wildly and lean down to the bowl.

I lick the cream, smiling, and lick some more.

I lap up the cream as Roman scratches my ears. I purr happily. I hear footsteps walk into the kitchen and Patton squeal some.

"You get him bathed?" He asks Roman.

"Yeah, he's mad at me so I gave him cream." Patton giggles and pats my back.

I finish my cream and look up. Roman chuckles and takes a paper towel. He wipes my lips and cheeks off.

"There you go. Are you still mad at me?" I shake my head and purr.

I jump off the counter. I brush my head against his chest.

Roman smiles down at my and rubs my ears. "Such a good, kitty." He muttered the praise.

"Thank you, master-" I cut myself off. I blush brightly, Patton squealed.

"S-Sorry! I didn't- I'm sorry!" I apologize quickly.

"Patt, leave us be real quick." Roman said. Patton nodded and left.

I quiver back away from Roman. "Hey, hey, shh. It's ok, I don't mind. It's just too fast. We haven't known each other very long. Wait for a bit then maybe I'll become your master. Ok?"

"Y-Yeah that's fine. I'm sorry, I don't know why I said it." Roman smiles gently.

"I already said, it's ok. I've been reading about nekos. It's a reflex, when you feel safe but you also know not to disobey a person, you think of them as your master." I listen to him speak. I think Roman as my master? I guess so.

"It's rather cute you think of me as your master." He winks at me. I blush brightly.

"Sh-shut up."

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