Baby's first fever

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Kurt has just finished recording lines for an upcoming animated movie he's starring in, in between Broadway musicals. As he takes off the headphones, and places them on a table near him, he hears crying coming from the baby monitor sitting on the table. Kurt immediately walks out of the studio, and opens the door to the nursery to check on Tracy. As the crying gets louder Kurt gently walks up to the cradle and leans over to pick up Tracy as he says, "Its ok Tracy, I'm here" As Tracy continues to cry Kurt begins to cradle her in his arms.

"Whats wrong sweetie, are you hungry?" Kurt asks Tracy knowing she cant respond, then noticing her skin is flushed he feels Tracy's forehead, and she's burning up.

"Oh no!, you're burning up, aah I don't know what to do, It'll be ok, it's gonna be ok, ah what do I do" Kurt rambles on in confusion and worry. Kurt haltingly but gently puts Tracy back in her cradle, and picks up the phone to call Blaine.

"Blaine! Tracy has a fever, shes sick, what do I do, What if she has the flu, Or worse, Shes never had a fever before I'm scared." Kurt says frantically

"Its going to be okay Kurt, just calm down, babies get fevers all the time, just take her temperature, and call the doctor and give her lots of fluids, Ill be home soon." Blaine responds in a soothing voice.

Kurt  walks digs through the baby bag and pulls out a forehead thermometer and takes Tracy's temperature to reveal that it's 101 degrees, "OH NO!" Kurt exclaims in distress. He then unwraps her from her blanket, and loosens her clothes to lower body temperature, and gives her a bottle of milk,After that Kurt picks up the phone and calls the Doctor

Kurt: Hey doc, Tracy has a fever of 101, I made sure her skin could breathe so heat wasn't trapped, and I'm giving her fluids, is there anything else I should do, Shes only 7 months, and has never had a fever before.

Doc: Mr. Anderson-Hummel you're doing everything right, there's nothing to worry about, the fever should go away within the next 24 hours, if it doesn't call me again please

Kurt hangs up as the front door opens, Blaine rushes in and throws his bag on the ground before rushing to Kurt as he asks, "Kurt! Is everything Okay? What did the doctor say?"

"The Doctor said everything should be fine, and the fever should pass within 24 hours" Kurt Exclaims

"Phew, that's a relief, I was so worried that something was wrong. Im really proud of you, and how well you handled everything." Blaine says as he wraps his arms around kurt embracing him in a hug

"Your joking right? I handled things horribly, I was a hot mess... well more than usual." Kurt quickly replies, evoking a laugh from Blaine before he follows up by stating "Tracy is okay, and so are you, that seems like you handled things pretty well to me"

"I guess so" Kurt responds

They then embrace each other for another hug, give each other a quick kiss before they are interrupted by Tracy once again crying.

"Oh no, What if the fever's gotten worse, what do we do?" Kurt exclaimed worriedly before Blaine calmed him by stating. "Calm down Kurt, you go check on her, ill go get thermometer."

"Okay" he says as he takes a deep breathe "How could I do this without you"
"you'd get through it, it would probably just take an extra 5 hours." Blaine replies jokingly

Kurt hurries into the nursery to check on Tracy, while Blaine rustles through the baby bag for the thermometer, and after finding it follows Kurt into the nursery.
"Her head doesn't seem as hot, and I just changed her diaper, I think that's why she was crying." Kurt says to Blaine
Blaine:"Okay, that's good, Ill check her temperature now."

Blaine  walks up to the cradle and uses the thermometer to take Tracy's temperature, seeing a 97 flash on the little screen he sighs of relief.

"Her temperature is back to normal" he tells Kurt

Blaine throws his arms around Kurt and kisses him before laying his head on his shoulder and nuzzling him on his neck and Kurt says "I love you so much, and I know Tracy does, especially since you took care of her."

"We both took care of her, this parenting thing may not be as hard as we though, as long as we work together." Blaine says in a sappy moment

"I couldn't have done it with out you" Kurt states as he beings to make out with Blaine while Tracy can be heard giggling behind them in her crib.

I've been writing fan fictions just for myself for years now, and I've always been to afraid to share them, so I decided I'm going to start sharing some of the newer ones, I hope you enjoy, and please share ways I can improve, but be nice about it because I'm very insecure

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