Visiting the Andersons Part 2

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This is a direct continuation of the previous story, and the final part of Visiting the Andersons. Again, these are my personal opinions, and creative decisions on Blaine's parents.

Blaine and Kurt walk out of the bedroom, into the living room of Burt and Carole's house as the front door opens and Burt and Carole walk in. 

"Hey dad, Hey Carole" Kurt says as he greets them.

"Hey son, I thought you were supposed to be at lunch with Blaine's folks." Burt asks

"We were, but his mom had an emergency call, so we decided to come back before lunch" Kurt responds

"We can watch Tracy while your at lunch if you want" Carole suggests

"Really? that would be great, it should only be an hour or two" Kurt states.

"Kurt, its our granddaughter, its no trouble at all" Burt adds

"Thanks for doing this, she's taking a nap in her crib, and we fed her not that long ago, everything you need is in the baby bag. And keep an eye on her because she tries to climb out of her crib sometimes." Blaine adds as he grabs the keys off of the coffee table.  

"Ok, we've got it" Burt responds

Blaine opens the front door, and follows Kurt out and holds his hand to the car before opening his door for him, and then himself. They then drive to a restaurant and get out of the car and begin walk in to the restaurant. Once they get inside they spot Cooper and Todd sitting down at a table, as cooper is waving them down to come sit with them. Blaine and Kurt then go sit down with them

"Hey, are we late" Blaine asks.

"No, we just got here a few minutes ago" Cooper replies

"Great" Kurt says as the waitress arrives 

"Hey everyone, what can I get you today?" the waitress asks

"We're waiting for one more, but my husband and I will take cokes" Blaine says

"Ill have a coke too" Cooper adds

"And I want a beer" Todd states

"Oh, and a water for my mom, who isn't here yet." Blaine adds

The waitress acknowledges this, and then walks away to return to the kitchen

"Did you really have to mention that you two are married you couldn't have just said him or my friend" Todd asks

"Dad I know you've never been fully ok with who I am but I'm not changing and I love Kurt, and I will show my love for him" Blaine Responds 

"I'm just saying this is Ohio, you don't need to flaunt it around" Todd continues

"Blaine, you don't have to do this now if you don't want to" Kurt whispers to Blaine as he rubs his back.

"You're right" he whispers back to Kurt, "look dad, I don't want to do this here, can we just enjoy lunch, Its been years since I've seen you, and more than a year since just our last phone call. Lets just not fight" Blaine says

"Fine" Todd reluctantly replies

"Coop, I was thinking of some fun things we could do in New York when you visit, there might be some games we can go to, and we should definitely go sightseeing"

"Oh yeah, that's great, but we're going to hit some clubs right" Cooper replies

"Yeah, but I guess we should probably find some straight clubs to go to before you visit." Kurt interjects

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