A Special Anniversary

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Kurt and Blaine are sitting at a small table having a candlelit dinner with a chocolate cake on their plates, with a heart on top

Blaine: Happy Valentines Day Kurt

Kurt: Happy Valentines Day, did you enjoy the special meal I made you

"I enjoy everything you do for me" Blaine says with a smile as he lovingly looks at Kurt.

"Well there are still many more surprises to come" Kurt responds

"You always give me the most amazing Valentine's Days. Every year I fall in love with you all over again."

"I remember back when we were broken up, and we hooked up during Will's almost wedding, and I wasn't sure what our future would be, but you said that we were going to be spending many more Valentines Days together, and I'm so glad you were right." Kurt says as he leans across the table to give Blaine a kiss

"Well I think its time to go bed" Kurt states

"That's it? we're just going to go to sleep after dinner?" Blaine asks

"Who said anything about sleeping" Kurt responds flirtatiously

Kurt grabs Blaine's hand, and pulls him into the bedroom as he closes the door behind them, and throws Blaine on the bed and lays on top of him as he passionately makes out with him, and begins nuzzling him as he whispers sweet things into Blaine's ear. As Blaine begins unbuttoning Blaine's shirt a thump sound  followed by a rattling is heard

"What was that Kurt" Kurt asked

"It was probably just the bed" Blaine responds

"But it sounded like it came from the nursery" Kurt responds

I'm sure its fine" Blaine says as he takes of Kurt's shirt and begins kissing him down his chest as the sound is heard again

"Blaine, I heard it again"

"me too, I think we should go check on Tracy." Blaine responds

Blaine rushes out of the room, and into the nursery, as Kurt puts his shirt back on, and he sees Tracy standing in her bed, and shouts for Kurt to come.

"What is it?" Kurt says nervously

Tracy is standing up, and begins taking little steps before falling on her butt, rattling the crib.

"OMG She's walking" Kurt says excitedly as he jumps up and down holding hands with Blaine, and embraces him in a hug.

Blaine reaches into the crib, and places her down on a soft carpet, so she can walk better

"I cant believe our little girl is walking" Blaine says in the most joyful voice.

"I'm so happy that we get to do this together, this is the best Valentines present ever" Kurt adds.

Blaine just sits their smiling at Tracy, and then Kurt

"what?" Kurt says as he lets out a laugh

"I just love seeing you as a dad, caring for someone, being so happy" Blaine responds

"I love you too" Kurt replies back as he gives Blaine a kiss, and then leans up against him as they watch Tracy, and help her as she tries to walk.

Three days later at a coffee shop Kurt and Mercedes are sitting down for coffee.

"Wait, so you two were about to go at it, and then your kid started walking?" Mercedes asks

"Yeah, but it turned out for the best, It was a special moment being there with Blaine for such a major milestone" Kurt responds

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