Old friend, New circumstance

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We arrived at McAllisters and as we walked in I instantly recognized a boy with orange-ish red hair, bright blue eyes, and a dorky little smile. I felt a smile draw across my own face as I looked at him. I ran up to the counter exclaiming, "COBY!" As soon as Coby saw me he came around in front of the counter to give me a hug, "Dyllyn Nicole! Is it still Bailey or were you adopted?" He asked embracing me in a friendly hug.
"It's still Bailey, but I found my older brother." I smiled pointing to him as he walked up. "This is Gage, I'm currently under his custody. Gage, this is Coby Braxton-"
"Hemings, Coby Hemings." He cut me off.
"That's great! When did that happen?" I asked getting off topic.
"Dyl, hang on. How do you know Coby?" Gage asked.
"Oh yeah, sorry. This is Coby Hemings. He was a really good friend of mine. We were in the same orphanage, constantly getting kicked out of homes." I laughed a little.
"Awesome." Gage smiled.
"I want to know all about your family!" I kinda squealed at Coby.
"Me too, Gage seems awesome."
"I am" Gage added.
"Shut up." I nudged him.
Coby laughed, "I'm on break in 5minutes if you want to wait, we can talk then?" He suggested.
"Please Gaggggeeee." I pouted.
"Of course. Let's order some food and go sit down." He smiled and started walking to the counter.
"Cool, I gotta get back to work." Coby smiled and went back to work the cash register.

~*~ time jump like 5 minutes haha~*~

"Hey dude, come have a seat." Gage greeted Coby.
"Thanks.", he replied sitting down.
"Tell me everything!" I chirped.
"Okay, well, you remember the family that came to look for a boy to adopt a few months before you left?", he asked.
"The one that had like the three boys and one of them was REALLY cute with blonde hair?!" I squealed.
"Yeah, they picked me and the adoption finalized a week or so after you left." His face gleamed. "Now I'm the youngest of 4 boys. Ben is the oldest, 22. Jack is 21 and then there's, the one you think is cute, his name is Luke he's 18."
"He's only 18?! Can I meet him?" I asked.
"Yeah, sure. I would love for you too, but he-"
"No, you can not. 18 Is way too old for you!" Gage interrupted.
"Gage, you're my brother not my dad. Also I'm 16, not 12." I rolled my eyes.
"Okay, okay you're right I'm sorry."
Coby laughed, "Anyways, he's always busy. He part of a band 5SOS."
"That's cool." I said
"Yeah, you want a copy of their upcoming album? I have one in the truck.
"Yes! That would be awesome!"
"As long as they are better than One Direction!" Gage laughed.
"You still listen to them?" Coby questioned.
"Ummm, duh!"
"Yeah, and she got my little girl obsessed so that's all we ever listen too anymore." Gage rolled his eyes.
"You have kids?"
"Yup, I'm an aunt!" I smiled. "A little girl and little boy, 5 year old twins. Nicole Lucas and James Vegas."
"Aw, I'd love to meet them." Coby said. "It was nice seeing you again. I missed you, I gotta get back to work now." he said getting up and pushing his chair in. I got up and gave him a hug, "you too, here's my number, text me sometime."
Gage got up and shook his hand, "you should come over this weekend. Bring your family. My wife's family is coming over for a barbecue along with some friends of mine."
"Yeah, Ill talk to them." He smiled, "Bye Dyl! I'll text ya."
I nodded and left with Gage.

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