Chapter 18 - Rat Bite

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Yo! Hope yall are doing good! I know I am, besides being hit in the jaw with a volleyball, in the back, on top of my head, in my gut and couldn't go to school today due to being in immense pain and can't move from my bed..... yeah! Fun \ (•◡•) /

Sorry, I had to rant.


With a deep inhale, Mono moved. His hand gently tugging Six with him. They crept close to the ground, their knees almost kissing the dirty floor. Every step they took they made in sync with the chomping if the furnace. When it opened they would move a few steps, when it shut they would sneak some more. Mono didn't want to take any chances. He wanted to keep himself and Six safe.

The rats didn't even know they where there. The two kept to the back, pressing against the mounain of coal. The rats scurried around, snatching up the rocks and throwing them in the fire. Mono moved a few steps more as the jaw shut. Sweat started to dribble down his body, the heat from the fire warming his body. Glancing behind, Mono checked up on Six. She was silently panting, sweat covering her pale skin while her yellow coat was smeared with black.

Shifting his gaze to face forward, Mono used his free arm to collect his sweat droplets. The heat was burning him alive. His body started to feel stuffy and dirty, as clumps of soot stuck to him. His brown hair stuck to his forehead, wet. The furnace opened its mouth. Mono and Six stole a few more steps.

Next to them a rat came up. Its paws feeling around for it's desired object. Its ears jerked, its whiskers twitched, its eye never blinking, while its noise sniffed. It shuffled, inching closer to the two. Mono held his breath, feeling Six stiffened. His throat dried while his chest tightened. The rats little foot landed on a piece of coal. It queitly squeeked. It hauled himself onto its haunches, it noise twitching as it smelt the rock between its paws. The furnace closed. The rat stopped sniffing. It lifted its head up, it blind eyes metting Monos brown ones. It bared its fangs, hissing lowly. It smelt us.

The rat cried, it's voice ear piercing. Without looking what was happening behind him, Mono made a dash for it, Six still in his grasp. They managed to make two full steps beforw hoards of rats leaped infront of them. Turning, more rats circled them. Backing up, Mono felt his back hit small bricks of coal. He tilted his head up ever so slightly, still keeping the savage rats in his veiw. The hill towered high, glowing orange from the furnaces fire. The coal pile tilted, wobbling. Looks unstable.... brilliant. Facing his gaze towards the rats, his free hand balled into a fist. He watched the rats hiss and spit.

A rat that was only a few small feet away from them lowered onto its mattered belly. Not yet. The rats bared its jaged yellow fangs. Not yet. It pounced, its paws curled. Now. Mono yanked Six closer to him, letting go of her hand as she crashed into his chest. Wrapping the same arm around Six, he lifted his other arm high. With his elbow, he slammed it into the unstable base of the coal pile making it shake. Just as the rat was above them, coal came crashing down. Mono held Six, ducking down to the floor. He lifted his free arm over their heads, trying to prevent coal blocks from hitting them.

Squeaks and squeals erupted around. The rats scattered, attemtping to not get squashed. Dust puffed up, Mono shut his eyes. He hugged Six closer, not wanting to lose her in the chaos. Rats scampered and cried. Chunks on coal crashed into the floor, shattering everywhere. Mono could feel his body get coated with soot and coal dust.

When the noises of agony subsided, Mono slightly opened one of his eyes. It was a mess. Bodies lay under piles of coal, limbs of the rats sticking out. Their bodies where twisted and covered in red. Not to mention the smell. A simple whiff and anything would want to feel sick. Mono shook his head, wanting to rid of the stink. "Yikes." Mono gagged. Six nodded, agreeing with his statement. He unwrapped his arm from around Six, standing up tall scanning the shambles of coal and limbs.

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