Chapter 6

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Happy Easter everyone, I hope those of you who celebrate are enjoying this weekend! I have a new update for you, don't forget to comment and vote if you see something you like! Without further ado, here is Chapter 6.


We stopped in Kom Umbu. I say stopped but we pretty much collapsed on the boarder of the city.

Without a single drop of beer or water, we'd travelled non stop, battling through the cold empty plains of sand by huddling in as close as we could. Me on one side next to Tahu, then Hapi and finally Seb on the far end away from me.

I had braced the cold begrudgingly without a warm item of clothing or blanket to my name since we'd been stripped of everything we'd left behind with the camels.

Up until the moment we fell to the ground, my body had craved the sensation of falling into a shivering foetal position, however my mind knew that to walk would be better in terms of keeping my body warm and I quickly learned that to stop would be deadly. Taking into account the poisonous creatures at our feet, the severe drop in temperature, the dwindling flames from the handful of thick sticks Tahu and Seb had taken from the fire pits in Al-kajuj for the journey and the fact that we needed to make it to civilization before all of our energy was gone and we were caught out under the blazing sun once again, our arrival here was nothing short of a miracle.

Hapi finished a few yards behind us, probably still heaving out deep rasping puffs of exhaustion when he finally arrived. I might have stayed behind to help him if I thought I could make it myself.

Women quickly gathered together and came to our aid, asking us where we'd come from and how we came to be so malnourished and fatigued. It was early morning now and the atmosphere was getting brighter.

Only then had it begun to sink in that we had walked on foot for an entire night.

It seemed Seb had been too salty to admit that he'd been the victim of theft and instead he spun a nonsensical web of lies to the women about how he'd fought off hooligans in the dead of the night, how we had to leave our injured camels behind and of how we, his noble companions, had cleared the path to lead him here. Their faces had morphed into expressions of shock and empathy as he went on with his fabricated tale. Tahu apparently much like myself wasn't at all impressed or in the mood to listen to Seb's false retelling of events, and after being adequately replenished with beer, he stood up and took a walk off into the distance.

"I will return at noon." He said grimly to me on the way past and wandered away from the group.

Left in the awkwardness of his disappearance, I too got up to take leave.

"And where do you think you are going?" Seb stopped mid conversation to address me, and something about the stiff edge in his tone grated on my already worked up nerves.

"You know you really ought to talk nicer to me. I'm sure you know as well as I do that I don't have to be here, especially now that you have no camels left to tie me to anymore." I said. He seemed stunned, shocked even and his eyes had glared at me in mute irritation as I openly exposed him.

The women glanced between us, confused by my words but I did not stick around to hear the questions that they clearly had dancing on the tip of their tongues. I just left. I strolled through the city, digging into an apple one of the ladies gave to me.

My eyes were burning with exhaustion. I knew I ought to be sleeping but my surroundings fascinated me.

I came across a large open space where thick brilliant-white pillars dwarfed me and I felt like a small pebble standing next to them. The architecture was breath-taking, as were the detailed hieroglyphics that adorned it. My fingers grazed against the artwork before I went and sat in a corner looking out peacefully at the small village, trying to gather my thoughts enough to decide on what I should do next.

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