Impostor Among Us (Among Us)

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The screen shows the Riders along with Heather, Dagur, and Eret sitting on a table with their phones in their hands.

Snotlout:AHH! Eret, you son of a bitch! You killed me!

THW Snotlout could only gasp dramatically and THW Eret only rolled his eyes.

Eret, Son of Eret only snickers.

Snotlout:This sucks!

Eret, Son of Eret:Remember, you can't talk!

Heather:Yeah, don't give him away! You're ruining the game for everyone else!

"Um, may I ask what they were doing?"Mala asked curiously.

"They're playing a game known as Among Us, a very fun game back in my timeline."Ghost said with a shrug,"And by fun, I mean, really, really fun..."

Snotlout:Good! And if that happens, I can have my revenge!

THW Snotlout only nods while RTTE Snotlout could only look at his future self in confusion.

Erik:Now that we know it was Eret, do-over?


Snotlout then stands up and enters the bathroom.

Snotlout:I'm gonna go use the toilet, don't start the next round without me!

Snotlout then stares horrified at something in front of him.

Snotlout:Um... Guys? There's a dead body in the bathroom...

The entire audience could only choke at that, a dead body inside a bathroom? That never ends well.

"Gee, I wonder who it is,"RTTE Snotlout said sarcastically.

Erik:Really? Cause its not funny.

Everyone in the table snickers.

Snotlout:And its Throk.

It then shows Throk without his upper half.

The Defenders of the Wing could only scream in horror at the sight of their dead enforcer in the screen.

"Who killed my most trusted man?!"Mala asked in horror.

Hiccup:What?! Emergency meeting!

EMERGENCY MEETING appeared in the screen with Astrid, Tuffnut and Ruffnut, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Erik, Heather, Dagur, and Eret being in front of Hiccup.

Hiccup:Someone has killed Throk. It appears there is a killer among us....

Everyone could only stare horrified at this, there's a killer among them and it could be any one of them.

Everyone gasped.

Hiccup:Did anyone see anything?

Erik:No, we were watching the game.

Hiccup:Well, Snotlout was there. What were you doing?

Snotlout:I was going to take a pee!

Tuffnut:Sounds something a killer would say.

"Hey, it's not me!"RTTE and THW Snotlout shouted, offended at this.

"Are you sure about that?"Tuffnut asked, in detective mode.

Snotlout:What? I didn't do it! Maybe Heather did it!

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