The Gods

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By now, I expected my life to be over, but I ended up somewhere bright and soft. My past self was now gone and now I was alone. Before me was a road of white flowers and on the side were large statues of what seems like powerful beings. Everyone was different, but all seemed important.

I took a step forward, afraid to step on such beautiful flowers, but the flowers moved out of my way to the end of the grassy road. The road didn't want to end anytime soon and so I ventured into the shade. I walked for an hour, probably towards the middle of the island, and then I saw a clearing. There wasn't anything special to see at first, it just gave off some kind of energy but as I got closer I could see four statues that were sitting on what seemed like thrones.

As I got closer and carefully touched one of them a beam of light shot from the sky and tore the rock surface from the statues. Now before me were Gods.

I quickly bowed down to them as a sign of respect as they watched me in silence. One of them finally spoke: "I heard of you, dear demigoddess. Your bravery is now a legend, but the villagers will never forget what you did for them."

I was confused: "I thought...I thought that this world didn't exist? That it was a hallucination?" As the Gods saw my confusion they smiled and stood up to walk towards me.

"Poor child. I know what I say now will sound confusing but try to imagine this. You, in your world, died, but as you were dying you created rather hmm what should I call it...another dimension. There you wanted to be powerful and we granted you that power. Of course, we thank you for sacrificing your life even though you got a second chance at living. You saved us all."

At the compliment, I blushed profusely and shily looked down and thanked them with sincerity. I looked up at them and asked: "If I may ask, why am I here? Did I not die?"

"Well, you did, but with Te Fitis blessing your body is recovering and will be revived after the process, so for now you are here. But you are in luck as time goes quicker here than there." My eyes bulged as I heard that: "so how much time passed?"

"Around a 1000 years."

I can't even imagine what the world looked like now. Maui probably moved on by now, found someone to pull up islands with him, and I couldn't even say goodbye to Moana, that sweet girl.

I sighed and as I looked up the Gods were already gone and replaced with the statues.

I looked down at my attire and frowned. Who even put this on me? I quickly changed back to my old attire and sighed in satisfaction.

I wanted to explore the island but before I could even do two steps the field of white lilies turned blue and the sky went dark. My body was lifted off the ground and started disappearing.

I'm going home.

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