Chapter 11: Eye Pain & S-Class Promotion Trial!

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Last time everyone returned from Edolas after helping their Edolas counterparts take down the king! Now they're back home along with Lisanna as things return to normal. Although in the Fairy Tail Guild, normal only lasts for so long.

On the outskirts of Magnolia on a hill was a small, but quaint little house overlooking the city that was home to the Fairy Tail Guild.

On the outskirts of Magnolia on a hill was a small, but quaint little house overlooking the city that was home to the Fairy Tail Guild

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This is the home of Cyrus McGarden, who was currently in his bedroom fast asleep, or at least trying to sleep. Cyrus tossed and turned as he seemed to be distressed over something. "Goddammit! What is with this damn eye pain?!" Cyrus growled to himself as he finally sat up in bed with an annoyed scowl on his face. Cyrus dragged himself out of bed before shuffling towards the bathroom so he could check his eyes in the mirror.
             Once Cyrus arrived at his destination he quickly stared at his own reflection, his green eyes seemed to almost be giving off a faint glow, but it quickly stopped as his eyes went back to normal. "What the hell? Maybe the Master knows about magic related eye pain." Cyrus thought to himself as the pain finally seemed to subside for the time being. Cyrus was tempted to go back to bed as he had been woken up multiple times throughout the night by this strange eye pain. Unfortunately Makarov wanted everyone at the Guild as soon as possible, apparently something important was happening.
            Cyrus let out a groan of frustration, but returned to his room all the same before throwing on his usual clothes and exiting his bedroom once again. Cyrus entered his living room, which much like the rest of his house was nothing special at all. Just the standard future you would expect from a house like his.

Cyrus let out another yawn before walking over to his bookshelf to select his entertainment for the day

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Cyrus let out another yawn before walking over to his bookshelf to select his entertainment for the day. While his guild mates seemed less disgusted by his presence, he still didn't intend on joining in on their usual antics. "What to read.....mystery novels never let me down in the entertainment department whether, they're good or bad." Cyrus thought to himself as he grabbed on of the mystery novels on his shelf that he had yet to read before stuffing it in the pocket of his jacket.
               Cyrus exited his house as he started making his way towards the entrance of Magnolia. Cyrus's entire body felt heavy as the lack of sleep was really starting to catch-up with him. Cyrus let out another yawn as he continued to lumber towards the Guild with a slightly irritated expression on his face. "I'm starting to think traveling to parallel worlds has negative side effects." Cyrus thought as his usual antagonistic and wise personality was replaced by an irritated and grumpy personality for the day. Cyrus finally made it to the Guild Hall as he pushed the doors open gently before entering.
            Cyrus didn't bother shooting off a few of his usual insults as he immediately found a table away from the rest of the Guild before sitting down. "Honestly I might try and take a nap considering that stupid eye pain finally went away." Cyrus thought to himself as he attempted to get comfortable at the table. "Are you okay Cyrus?" Cyrus turned to see Mirajane standing in front of the table with a worried look on her face. "I'm fine Mira, just tired, stupid eye pain kept me up most of the night." Cyrus growled as Mirajane was one of the few people he actually mentioned his sudden strange condition that had been tormenting him this past week.
"You should really go see a professional Cyrus, this doesn't seem to just be a passing thing." Mirajane said as her concern only seemed to increase. Cyrus let out a sigh as he felt kind of bad Mirajane was so concerned about him and this stupid eye pain. Ever since Lisanna came back, Mirajane seemed to only get friendlier towards him. It wasn't just her however. Elfman, Lisanna, Lucy, Natsu, and Wendy had all become more comfortable with him. "Maybe I am starting to go soft." Cyrus thought to himself as he contemplated his new standing with a few of his guild mates over this past week or so.
Suddenly Mirajane gently pushed the hair that usually cover his eyes up out of the way as she started to inspect his eyes. "You don't have any visible irritation in them." Mirajane mumbles as she stared deeply into the green orbs. Part of Cyrus wanted to swat away her hands so his hair would cover his eyes again. Ever since he was a kid, Cyrus never likes it when people looked him in the eyes, it made him feel vulnerable. "You know you have really pretty eyes Cyrus, you should pull back your hair more often!" Mirajane said as she gave him a gentle smile.

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