Chapter 9

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Maya exhaled as she was surrounded by her friends and the loud music while trying to put Uriah down for a nap.
Looking at Josh he quickly put the music off causing Riley to look at him.

"We have a baby who needs to stay in a routine. Why is that so difficult for you guys to understand?" Josh asked.
"It's her sweet sixteen," Riley said.
"And if you don't make sure this place is empty withing twenty seconds you're gonna be in a sweet hospital. Get everyone out. I'm putting Uriah down for bedtime," Maya said going down the hall.

"Okay everyone. Time to go home. And I'm not talking again. Out," Josh said as everyone went out of the apartment.
"Lame," Lucas said.
"What's lame is that you people don't want to realize that having a baby is no for a party," Josh said.

"Passed out," Maya said.
"Okay let's clean this place up," Josh said.
"Come on. Now that he is down we can do something just the four of us," Riley said.
"This place needs to be clean, I need to prepare Uriah's bottles for tomorrow and then I also need to study for my GED," Maya said.

Life With Uriah Kermit Matthews (Sequal to Night Of Our Life) Completed Where stories live. Discover now