Chapter 10

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Maya exhales as she looks at the decorated room. It was Josh's 20th birthday and as crazy as it sounded she never thought this would be their lives. Uriah's birthday was just a bit more than two months away while Maya was studying like crazy so she would be able to get everything done. Maya looked at Josh and Uriah while she smiled closing her book as she sat down next to them.

"He's a cutie," Josh said.

"He's definitely his father's son. Hey, Baby Boy," Maya said as Uriah looked up at his parents.

"Dada," he said as Josh looked at Maya.

"Only took him a few months. That's right, Baba. That's your dada. Wow this day is crazy," Maya said.

"Yeah it is. Good job, my boy," Josh said.

2 months later

Maya smiled as she looked at her son's birthday party while all the family was there. Even Shawn came through for his birthday and both his parents were very happy about the crowd.

"Wow this is insane," Josh said.

"Definitely more people than there was on Valentines. Is this how you thought your life would turn out, Josh?" Maya asked as Josh looked at her.

"No. Because not even in my dreams could I have thought that this would be life. I love you," Josh said as he kissed Maya while they joined their son.

As much drama as Maya's pregnancy had caused them she was happy. She as happy with her son and her boyfriend and she wouldn't want it any other way.

The end.

Life With Uriah Kermit Matthews (Sequal to Night Of Our Life) Completed Where stories live. Discover now