Chapter 5

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Maya looked as it was now Riley's 16th birthday party and she was busy rocking Uriah to sleep not wanting to even look back on her life before having him.

"So, what are we doing with this guy for Christmas?" Josh asked as he got into the room.
"Don't know," Maya said smiling at her son.
"He's so peaceful for someone teething," Maya said as she put Uriah down leaving the room with Josh.

"Is my nephew asleep?" Cory asked.
"He is. That kid is too cute now. Getting teeth, trying to climb all over the furniture. Last week Josh had to stop him from standing up. He's very behind in his development but he's out little sweetheart and I don't want it any other way," Maya said.
"Neither do I," Josh said.

Life With Uriah Kermit Matthews (Sequal to Night Of Our Life) Completed Where stories live. Discover now