A Normal Day...Or NOT

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3rd person POV

Date: June 122019

Location: Somewhere in Manila.

It was a normal day


Or not.

Vince being chased by John cause of one of his pranks he did, while the other 3 people are just relaxing on the couch cause they weren't given a mission in a while so they are just savoring it til the next team or solo mission they will get

"Damn when will Vince ever stop his pranks? I'm still shocked that John hasn't even killed him yet" James said while reading the news paper.

"Oh come on now he maybe annoying at least he's reliable on every mission we did and in his solo missions" Michael told James

"Oo nga naman, kahit isip bata yan, kaya nya sarili nya" Jonas said agreeing with Michael about Vince.

"VINCE! Putang ina, I swear to god I'll kill you this time!" John said still chasing Vince around the house.

"yeah right old man, you've been saying that ever since we we're kids and I'm surprise you're not using you're skills" Vince answered John while running.

Suddenly James put his foot out to trip Vince from running it's getting annoying for the 3 people who are reading in the couch.

"AW! Who tripped me?!" Vince said while rubbing his face.

"Ako, bakit aangla ka na?" James said with seriousness in his face.

"James joke lng naman. Ikaw talaga, ito na titigil na" Vince awkwardly laugh at James cause he knows when James is serious, he'll get beaten up in no time, even if James is younger that him he is still scary at times.

Suddenly Michael's uncle Harrison entered the living startling the boys from where they are.

"UNCLE!" the boys exclaims

"Hello boys, it's good to see you again after a long time" Harrison sits on another couch in front of them while holding a pile of folders in his hand.

Being the curious one of the group and youngest Jonas asked.

"Uncle what's inside those folders?" Jonas pointed at the folders.

"Here in my hands is your new mission" Harrison showed the folder.

"great" "all for resting" "finally" "I still want to sleep" "really?" mixed comments coming from the guys when they heard they are going to have new mission after months.

"Now Listen, my old employer contacted me to see if I was still available and I told him 'No' but I did say to him I trained you boys and he's asking me if you boys are up for it" Harrison explained.

"So what's the mission about and who are we going to kill this time? Cause it's been awhile since you made a team mission. The past months has always been solo missions." Michael said while the others nod in agreement.

Harrison gave a folder to each person and he started explaining.

"You're not going to kill anyone. Well not yet I suppose. In these folders are the people you're going to protect in the following days" Harrison explained.

"WAIT?! BODYGUARD SERVICE?! ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!" Michael stood up from where he is sitting.

"Yes that's what you'll be doing when they arrive here. They will be having a concert in MOA arena in 17 days, so I hope you guys are prepared by then" Harrison calmly answered Michael.

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