Practice and Back to work

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Date: June 20, 2019
Location: Michael's house.

3rd person POV.

It's been a week since Michael and the guys had a meeting about TWICE and right now they are just doing random stuff.

Michael is in his room polishing his weapons while John is in the living room with Jonas and reading the news paper. Jonas is blasting twice in the built in speakers and singing along with it. James and Vince are in their built in armory and checking what they're going to bring for their body guard duty.

 James and Vince are in their built in armory and checking what they're going to bring for their body guard duty

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"Hey James, do you think I should bring this for John?" Vince asked James while holding and M24 sniper rifle.

"Hey James, do you think I should bring this for John?" Vince asked James while holding and M24 sniper rifle

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"What? And why would John need that?" James looked at Vince like he's crazy.

"I mean think about it. What if something goes wrong during the concert?" Vince said trying to convince James to let him bring John's rifle.

"Don't jinx it asshole. But fine whatever, but you're explaining to John why you're bringing that. When all we need is pistols and earpieces." James said while fixing their bag for the job.

"Okay, I will and you have to explain to Michael why you're bringing your explosive. And I'm not jinxing anything" Vince said removing the scope from the rifle and putting it in a briefcase for the rifle.

"What explosives are you even talking about? There isn't any explosives in the bag." James said trying to convince Vince he did not put multiple C4s and grenades in the bag.

"Yeah right. I saw you earlier and don't give me that bullshit I know you since we were kids." Vince said puting the case down and grabbing some knives and sharpening them.

"Ugh fine. You caught and same with you, what if everything goes haywire." James said sighing that he wont get away from Vince.

"We're not blowing up MOA Arena. Do you know how much money those people spent on building that?" Vince said looking at James seriously.

"Yeah corrupt people who uses other people's money to build that shit." James said stopping from what his doing.

"Just don't stick those explosives anywhere and leave it in the car." Vince said.

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