here we go again

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before we start other anime mcs will be in here plus the hero classes will be way bigger than the anime so expect 25 - 30 people in class 1a alone also new powers to everyone on to the powers

ochako zero gravity\multiple weapon forms\ enchanted sword

fem bakugou explosion\flame dragon slayer magic\ scythe form

fem kirishima twins hardening\iron dragon slayer magic 

anyways onto the story.

12 years later middle school  3rd person

we can see our mc surrounded by alot of girls. well he gotta get away from them or he will be followed to his house and boy he was glad today was the last day of middle school so he can hang out with ochako. he was on the way home when he got to a underpass he didn't notice swamp green sludge spewing out of the man hole cover. "Ah a medium sized meat suit and a powerful quirk" the  villain said before jumping at izuku but he was gone in his place was a scorched footprint."wh-WHA-"he couldnt even finish when he felt a searing heat in his back? 

"No thank you" deku kicking him in his back with fire coming out of his feet the flame got so hot that the villain exploded. What Izuku didnt expect was the villain to recollect and turn into a person *CLANK* "Wha-" "HAVE NO FEAR" 'IT CANT BE'  Izuku thought  "WHY BECAUSE I AM HERE" "ALL MIGHT" Izuku screamed. WAIT WERE IS THE VILLIAN "uuuh... all might the villain is gone"  'shit he got away and my time is almost up' all might thought as he sped off "and he's gone" izuku said as he started walking home.

izuku's pov 20 minutes later

*BOOM* 'what was that' I thought as I ran towards the sound as i got there it was utter chaos "wasn't all might chasing him earlier" said rp1 (random person 1) "no way he got away from all might"  said random person 2 i look around and see ochako and run towards her. wait thats katsumi in the villain "ochako ninja blade mode now" I said "RIGHT" she said transforming into a cloud of smoke as the smoke cleared you see deku holding a ninja blade. ' rule #1: Blend into the shadows. Control your breathing. And wait for your target to let his guard down' izuku thought as he slowly approached 'Rule #2: Tune in to your targets. Predict his thoughts and actions.' the villain looked at izuku like he was a retard. 'Rule #3: Strike your target before he notices you.' "WAIT YOUR NOT THAT KID" the villain said as leaves blow off of 'izuku's' skin to reveal ochako "we call this move shadow star" "FINISHING STRIKE: BLACK STAR BIG WAVE!!!"


skip to 4:40

WELLLL thats all for this one see you all in while

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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