Chapter 9

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Kelly called Lydia in for a meeting. Every time Lydia had to step foot in that office building, her stomach twisted in knots. She hated it. She hadn’t seen Kelly since a week and a half ago, when she had slapped Lydia. The scratches faded, but it still hurt Lydia to know just how much her sister hated her.

Xander inspected Lydia while they rode the elevator. "Are you all right?"

Lydia nodded her head, but she knew regardless of how much she assured him she was fine, he would know that she was, in fact, not fine. "I'm okay."

Xander’s gaze lingered to the place where the mark Kelly left on her cheek. "She won’t do that again, I won’t let her get close to you."

Strangely, his tone of reassurance helped
Lydia, if only a little. She smiled back at him. "Thank you."

The elevator dinged as the doors slid open, Kelly standing there, immediately ready to hit Lydia with the latest news. "Do you know anyone by the name of Vincent Montgomery?"

Lydia stopped in her place, Xander nearly running into her backside. "Why?"

Kelly seemed taken aback at Lydia's response, but instead of saying anything, she simply handed Lydia a folder of documents. The pair began walking again as Lydia quickly read over the files. When they reached Kelly's office, Kelly sat at her desk and eyed her sister curiously. "What is it?"

Lydia sat down on the cushioned seat across from her, Xander standing by the door. She finished reading the files and shook her head. "Vince. He's-" she tried to search for the words. "-he's not someone you want to associate with."

Lydia placed the folder onto Kelly's desk. The worry she felt going into this meeting due to what happened last time immediately replaced with the worry of him. "I know I don't know much about running an enterprise, but I promise you, you don't want him touching this place."

Kelly glanced from the file to her sister, her usual straightforward demeanor softened. "How long were you together?"

Lydia felt Xander's burning gaze on her back. She shifted in her seat, feeling uncomfortable with him hearing such things about her when she knew so little of him. It felt like she was wholly exposed, yet, he revealed nothing. It was unsettling. "Long enough to know he has a horrible gambling problem and has questionable ways to pay off or avoid his debts. How he still has a leg to stand on to offer such a proposal is beyond me."

Silent understanding passed through Kelly and she nodded her head.
Taking the file, she tossed it in the trash can beside her desk. She looked to Xander. "You can wait outside. There's coffee by the receptionist."

Xander didn't reply, he simply left without a word.

Kelly tore her gaze from where Xander stood, to her sister. Her blue eyes shone with curiosity.

"What have you done to the bodyguard?"
Lydia jerked her head back. "I've done nothing, why?"

"When you were talking about Vincent, he looked like he wanted to break something," she mused. 
Lydia shook her head. Xander always looked like he wanted to break something, that was nothing new. "He is just grumpy."

Kelly snickered, not quite believing her sister. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ears, back to business. "Things are going as well as expected. The adjustment has been difficult, but nothing tremendously out of hand. There is a few things I need you to sign off on before you leave."

Kelly handed Lydia another folder, bright yellow tabs sticking out of it indicating where she needed to sign. Lydia took the folder and began reading it's contents, her jaw dropping when she realized what it was. She looked up at Kelly. "You got the publishing house?"

"Damn straight," Kelly smirked, pride twinkling in her eyes. "They drove a hard bargain but I got it."

Lydia laughed in amazement. Her mother had wanted to branch out into publishing for years. Nearly every visit Lydia had with her, ended with her mother arguing with some publishing company on the phone. No one wanted to take a chance on a company centered around hotels and spas and the occasional restaurant. Lydia always silently wondered if her mother was dedicated to branching out in publishing because her second husband, Kelly's father, was an author himself. She smiled at Kelly. "Mom would be proud."

Kelly blushed at the complement. She looked as though she were struggling to find the words she had wanted to say. After a moment of silence, she said, "I know you two weren't close, but she was proud of you too. Whenever she heard someone was looking for sweets or treats for whatever occasion, she'd always send them your way. It doesn't make up for her absence, but I thought you should know that in her own way, she was there for you."

Lydia finished signing off the last of the signatures, trying her hardest not to cry. She had always perceived her mother as uncaring of her, and although Kelly was right, it didn't make up for her absence, it was nice to know her mother didn't truly forget her. But what really had Lydia fighting tears was that it was the first time she was having a conversation with her sister that wasn't solely about business or a slap to the face. Perhaps, last time she was here was an eye opening experience for both of them.

She handed the file back to Kelly. "Thank you, for telling me about Mom, it means a lot." She tilted her head inquisitively. "What's your favourite flavor of cake?"

Kelly narrowed her eyes, confused by the sudden question. "Cheesecake. Why?"

Lydia offered her sister a knowing smile. "You can't celebrate something without cake."
She stood from her seat. "Expect an absurdly large cheesecake in the near future."

Kelly laughed at the declaration as Lydia made her way to the door. "Make sure there's strawberries on top."

Lydia looked back at Kelly. "Noted."

Lydia left the office and was rejoined by Xander, who held out a cup of coffee for her. "How was it?"

Lydia smiled to herself. She had been nervous to see Kelly, to be in the building, but she left feeling as though she and her sister were finally getting along. Hopefully, it sticks. She sipped her coffee and then replied, "I'm baking Kelly a cheesecake, so I'd say it went well."

Xander seemed confused by the assessment but didn't push it any further.

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