Chapter 18

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Nathan decided to check in on Lydia. She didn't mind, she missed talking to her cousin. Ever since she had told him what's been happening with the company and her sister, Nathan has felt the need to check in on her every so often. However, instead of a simple phone call, he decided to come over.

Lydia tried to talk quietly as Xander was in her bedroom, sleeping soundly and she didn't want to wake him up seeing as he stayed up all hours of the night reading to help her fall asleep. She smiled at her cousin's son, who was strapped to his chest in a sling. "My God, does he ever look like you?"

"Hell yeah," Nathan grinned proudly, looking down at his little boy. "Audrey is in some trouble when he grows up."

Lydia tilted her head. "How's she doing?"

Nathan's eyes lit up, as they always did when he talked about his wife. "She's tired, but she's starting to write again. Her next book should be out within the next year or two depending on how it goes."

Lydia smiled. Audrey was a hell of a writer, coming up with fantastical worlds and hilarious characters. The only thing she didn't like about Audrey's writing, was the fact she keeps her projects a secret. Lydia hoped the new book she is working on is a continuation of the first as it was the only book Lydia had ever felt inclined to read outside of her years in school. Before she could beg for a clue as to what it was, Nathan's eyes drifted to her bedroom, where the door was cracked open slightly, revealing Xander twisted in the sheets on her bed. "What's going on with you two?"

"I--" Lydia wasn't certain. The two had been having sex, yes, but they didn't have many conversations about what it meant if anything at all, given the comment Xander had made yesterday. Lydia shook her head. "Nothing serious."

Nathan looked skeptical but didn't push it any further. "Just be careful, I don't want to see you getting hurt."

Lydia nodded her head. She didn't want to see herself get hurt either, that's why she didn't want to get her hopes up.

Jules started to stir in his sling and Nathan patted him gently on the back. "I should probably head back home. I promised Audrey we could take a trip to the dog park today and I want to get there before that yappy chihuahua gets there."

Lydia laughed at her cousin's dismay over the alleged yapping chihuahua.

They bid their farewells, Lydia promising to attend their Christmas dinner. It had been a while since she had seen her uncle Steve and the rest of her relatives. When she had shut the door, she turned to see Xander leaning against the doorframe. His features are indifferent, free of any emotion. Lydia had a feeling he had been awake while she and Nathan briefly discussed their relationship or lack thereof.

Lydia offered Xander a cup of coffee, an offer he declined, instead, going to the bathroom to have a shower, not uttering a single word to her.


The following Monday, Lydia was expected in the office. It had been a few days since Nathan had come over and asked Lydia about Xander. Since then, Xander went back to sleeping on the couch, neither of them talking to one another unless it was casual small talk that had little to no meaning.

Kelly handed Lydia an invitation as she sat across from her sister. The invitation was emerald green with gold foil writing. Lydia shot her sister a look. "What's this?"

"It's the company's Christmas gala," Kelly replied in a tone that implied Lydia should already know this. "We host it every year to raise money for the local homeless shelters."

"Oh," she said lamely. She glided her fingers across the invitation, uncertain it was an event she should attend. "Maybe I should sit this one out. I mean, you've been doing everything really, it wouldn't feel right going seeing as I technically don't work here."

Kelly rolled her eyes. "Nonsense. You're going. Just because you only sign off on things doesn't mean you haven't been any help. You've helped me and I want to thank you."

Lydia tucked the invitation in her purse, smiling warmly at her sister. "You've helped me too, you know."

Kelly smiled back, her eyes glistening but not a tear dared to drop. She blinked a few times and waved her hand to the side. "Enough of this sappy crap. Make sure you bring some arm candy or else the invitation is rescinded."

"Noted," Lydia laughed nervously. She didn't know who she could bring, not since she and Xander aren't exactly on speaking or affectionate terms. She supposed to could call Joel and see if he would want to go as friends, but she didn't truly want to entertain that possibility.

Lydia left Kelly's office, feeling nervous for the rest of the day. The only time Xander ever truly left her to her own devices is when she was with Kelly or at the bakery, but at the bakery, he'd still sit in the back room with her while she worked. At least in Kelly's office, she could be alone with her, speaking freely about whatever she was feeling.

Xander and Lydia stood in the elevator, silent the whole ride down. Eventually, Xander tossed Lydia a glance. "How did it go?"

"I've been invited to a fancy gala," Lydia said grimly, flashing him the invitation. "Arm candy, in the words of Kelly, is required."

Xander looked away from her, staring straight ahead as they walked down the busy street. "I'm assuming you'll be bringing Joel?"

Lydia didn't respond, not know how to. She had thought about inviting him, yes, but merely as a possible option if Xander did not want to go. From the sounds of it, he had very little interest in attending such an event, with or without her. She shoved the invitation back into her purse. Brushing her long, copper hair out of her face from the harsh winter wind, Lydia glared at Xander. "I was going to ask if you would like to go with me but you're being an idiot."

Xander stared at her, baffled she had spoken to him like that. Clearly, Xander was no used to her, or quite possibly anyone, calling out his behaviour. He tore his eyes from her and clenched his jaw. "I wasn't aware I was the problem."

Lydia stopped walking in the middle of the sidewalk. Her jaw gaped open. "You haven't spoken to me in days, Xander. How is that my fault? We have sex a couple of times and then you just shut down, refusing to have an actual conversation with me. If this is about what you heard with Nathan, then talk to me about it if it upset you. But if you thought you could use me to get some, you picked the wrong girl."

Xander's standoff demeanour softened, but whatever he was going to say, Lydia didn't want to hear it. She was too angry, and the last thing she wanted to do was say something she may regret in response to whatever he may say. She held up her hand, stopping him before he could start. "I'm going to the bakery and I would prefer to go alone."

Xander dropped his gaze, staring at the pavement with a solemn nod of his head.

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