Chapter 12

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Lydia was waiting for Kelly to get out of a meeting. Xander was lingering by the water cooler in the lounge while she did so.

After a few minutes of Lydia inspecting the bookshelf behind Kelly's desk, but never touching anything, Kelly came in. Lydia arched an eyebrow. "So, you gave a folder to Xander about my personal life."

Kelly closed the door behind her and shrugged. "It's a necessary precaution."

Lydia tightened her ponytail before she placed her hands on her hips. "He almost killed Nathan."

"Who?" She replied as she sat down in her chair acrossed from me.

Lydia rolled her eyes, frustrated with her sister. "My cousin."

Kelly waved her hand to the side and began going through the documents on her desk. "Why are you bringing this up now? You didn't say anything last time you were here."

"Because you caught me off guard with Vincent," Lydia said lamely. Truth be told, she wasn't bothered about it at first, but the more she thought about it, the more it upset her that her life was on display in some document she had never laid eyes on.

Kelly plopped a file folder in front of her. "Here."

Lydia looked at the folder, expecting to find some more forms to sign or numbers to review. Instead, she found the file Xander had referred to a few weeks ago.

Lydia Persephone Hollis-West

DOB: April 21, 1997.

Height: 5'2

Weight: 130lbs

Occupation: owner of Sweet on You bakery

Relationship Status: Single (presumably)

Family: Evangeline Hollis (mother, deceased), Franklin West (father, deceased), Kelly Hollis (sister).

Guard Assigned: Xander Joseph St. Claire

Lydia looked up from the file. "This is all you know about me?"

Kelly seemed annoyed by the question. "Why would I know more than the basics?"

Although hurt by the question, Lydia understood. She and Kelly were never close, but she had thought they were making some headway. She nodded her head, closing the file. "You're right. Is there anything I need to review?"

"Yes," Kelly replied, tossing another file her way.

Once again, Lydia was caught off guard by what she was reviewing.

Xander Joseph St. Claire

DOB: August 1, 1994

Lydia tore her gaze from the document after that, not wanting to breach his privacy. He didn't open up easily and the last thing she wanted to do was disrespect his boundaries. "Why am I reading about Xander?"

Kelly arched a brow. "He's been your guard for two months. You need to provide a review of his workjng performance."

Lydia closed the folder and leaned back into her chair. "He is doing well, do I really need to write a Yelp review?"

Kelly, once again, seemed annoyed by the question. "It's just protocol, but I suppose your verbal review is enough. You may go."

Lydia felt inclined to ask if there was anything wrong. Everything Kelly said today seemed to be short, clipped, as if something was bothering her. Despite wanting to know what was bothering her, Lydia knew the likelihood of her actually answering truthfully was very slim. If Kelly was anything like their mother, which Lydia knew for certain she was, she would not confide her emotions to someone she did not feel all that close to.

Instead of pressing the topic, Lydia murmured her goodbyes and scurried out of the office.


Despite not finishing reading that review document Kelly had of Xander because she did not want to invade his privacy, Lydia was having an internal battle with herself.

It was his birthday and she wanted to bake him a cake, something to thank him for putting up with her for the past two months, nearly three. But she feared if she baked him a cake for a birthday he never told her about, he'd think she was snooping in his private life.

Lydia pondered her conundrum all afternoon. Eventually, the desire to bake him the cake won. However, instead of disclosing she knew it was his birthday, she would simply say she felt an inclination to have cake for dessert.

She packed up the cake, free of any birthday message, just plain frosting as decoration, she and Xander left the bakery for the day.

When they had got home, Xander shot her a look. "What are you thinking for dinner?"

Lydia kicked herself mentally. She had been so worried about whether or not she should make him a not official birthday cake, she forgot about dinner. She felt bad if it were a meal she liked but he didn't. Not answering him immediately, she pawed through the fridge, trying to find something she knew, or presumed, Xander would like. She gave up when she realized there was absolutely nothing he would enjoy. She turned to him with a frown. "Maybe we can order in. Whatever you want."

Xander cocked an eyebrow, looking confused. "Are you all right? You seem stressed."

Lydia's breath hitched in her throat. She was not very good at being discreet and she knew Xander would not leave it alone. She let out a defeated sigh, walked over to the box with the cake and exposed what was inside.

"I baked you a birthday cake that isn't a birthday cake," When she couldn't make out Xander's expression, she rushed out the whole story about the review and finding out his birthday. She let go of the lid of the box and held up her hands. "--once I realized what it was, I stopped reading it. I swear. But I didn't want you to think I didn't care about your birthday."

Lydia stopped her rant, waiting for Xander to answer. He looked from her to the cake, back to her. After a moment, he let out a chuckle. A loud, stomach clutching chuckle. His face was red from all the laughter and Lydia felt her cheeks turn a faint shade of red. He eventually managed to stop his laughing and took Lydia's hand in his, the contact startling her. He smiled at her, a smile as full as his laugh from moments before. "Thank you."

"You're not mad?" She asked, biting her lip, her eyes wide.

Xander shook his head. "Not at all. It's been a while since I've celebrated my birthday."

Lydia let out a relieved sigh. "Well, Happy Birthday, Xander. I really appreciate everything you do, even if it's a little boring."

"Thank you," Xander said once again, pulling Lydia in for a hug. At first, Lydia was taken aback at the action, but once the surprise subsided, she wrapped her arms around him, feeling his heart beat against hers. She couldn't tell whose was beating faster.

When they pulled apart, Xander tilted his head to the right, grinning. "Seeing as you insist on celebrating my birthday, how about we head to the store and I grill us some steaks for dinner?"

Lydia rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless. "You really want me to try steak, don't you?"

Xander shrugged, still smiling and Lydia found herself enjoying how much he was smiling compared to his usual scowl or blank expression. He grabbed the keys on the counter, jingling them. "Let's go get some steak, angel."

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